New Moon in Virgo - September 14, 2023, 9:40 PM, EDT

Halfway through September with the Equinox approaching, we are inundated with retrograde planets, including Mercury which stations direct September 15, 2023. As we reflect and reconsider many facets of life, we are called deep within our heart to begin the process of starting fresh with a new perspective and plan revitalizing our happiness and personal satisfaction. As the Sun and Moon merge in earthy Virgo, a growing sense of discontent crystalizes. There is something within ourselves or our lives that we know could be better than it is and we now are ready to get to work and do something about it. 

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Jupiter in Taurus stations retrograde - September 4, 2023

And another retrograde is upon us! Jupiter, in the sign of Taurus, stations retrograde September 4, 2023 adding to the long list of retrograde planets. Good natured Jupiter, is the planet, of big dreams, optimism, and faith in life itself. The planet that asks us to look at how we underestimate ourselves, and with that get in touch with our big dreams, and to believe they are possible.

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Super Full Moon in Pisces - August 30, 2023, 9:35 PM, EDT

During this active Virgo season overflowing with retrograde energies, we wrap up August with the second Super Full Moon of the month, referred to as a Blue Moon. Also the biggest and brightest Super Full Moon in 2023, Luna’s radiant glow will light up the night sky in the mystical sign of Pisces where the veil between the spiritual realm and the material world thins.  Increasing intuition and psychic impressions that guide us to dive into our inner world, this Super Moon asks we embrace the cosmic dance between reason and instinct.

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Uranus in Taurus stations retrograde - August 28, 2023

Uranus in the sign of Taurus joins the still growing list of planets stationing retrograde in 2023 and will last until January 27, 2024 when Uranus will station direct.

Called the “Great Awakener,” a planet that creates change, Uranus wakes us up to who we truly are. During this retrograde period some of the outer shake ups can subside, but the process within each of us will begin and deepen, leading us through internal shifts of awareness and reckoning.

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Mercury in Virgo Stations Retrograde - August 23, 2023

The first day of the Sun entering Virgo, we are deep into retrograde season. Yes it’s time for another go around with Mercury! Increasing the mental focus of this phase of retracing and reflecting on where we’ve been is due to Mercury being in Virgo, one of the two signs Mercury rules (Gemini is the other). In the down to earth sign of Virgo extra emphasis is focused on overall improvement, of self and circumstances.

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New Moon in Leo - August 16, 2023, 5:38 AM, EDT

During Leo season when the Sun aligns with its own sign, solar power rules and like the mighty lion whose presence is commanding, we are fired up to shine our light! Bringing in more of this Leo energy is the New Moon in Leo, where big emotions inspire us to reflect, and re-imagine how we see ourselves, how we show up and what we have to give. Awakening us, this New Moon asks that we embrace our potential for greater leadership, creativity and genuine self-expression. To envision an authentic fresh start where we feel stronger, more vital and alive!

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Venus in Leo Stations Retrograde - July 22, 2023

Transiting Venus in Leo stations retrograde on July 22nd until September 3, 2023. At that time Venus will station direct at 12 degrees, 12 minutes of Leo, finishing out the transit through Leo on October 8, 2023.

When Venus stations retrograde, it is a time to go back over and reflect upon the area of life of the birthchart it has traveled through up to this point in time. The Goddess and planet of love, relaxation, restoration, personal appeal and aesthetics and the ways we make money are natural Venus pathways. Very much about personal connection and making relationships; Venus represents how, what and who we love.

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New Moon in Cancer - July 17, 2023, 2:32 PM, EDT

As we near the end of Cancer season, the Sun and Moon merge, drawing us inward where tender feelings and deeply hidden longings swim. Aligning with the sensitive energy of this New Moon in Cancer, intuition intensifies and calls us to open our heart to the wisdom within that urges us to embrace more of life. To pay attention to our inner world, rich with imagination and initiative and begin to give form to a new set of intentions that requires us to bare our soul a bit more than we are used to.

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Full Moon in Capricorn - July 3, 2023, 7:39 AM, EDT

Now in Cancer season and the beginning of summer in the northern hemisphere and winter in the southern hemisphere, the night sky will be illuminated by the first Super Full Moon of the 2023. Closer to the Earth, with a brighter light and stronger gravitational pull this Full Moon in Capricorn intensifies and illuminates our emotions around personal responsibilities and the needs of home and family, with our professional obligations and the needs of career, community and our most worthy goals.

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Saturn in Pisces Stations Retrograde - June 17, 2023

Transiting Saturn has been in the sign of Pisces since March 7, 2023. Saturn is the great teacher, the taskmaster and the planet that spells out clearly the things we should be doing that we often don’t want to do, and what the consequences are if we don’t do these things.

In the sensitive sign of Pisces, Saturn is a cosmic signal that we, collectively and individually need to be more serious about and apply ourselves to our spiritual lives, creative undertakings and deepening our capacity for compassion. Saturn in Pisces also brings us up front and close to the shadow of Pisces; issues around escapism, addiction, apathy or delusion that may have or are becoming a problem.

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Pluto retrograde re-enters Capricorn - June 10, 2023

On June 10, 2023 Pluto retrograde in Aquarius will move back into the last degrees of Capricorn until October 10, 2023 when Pluto stations direct in Capricorn. This retrograde is the first of two retrograde phases where Pluto will hang out going back and forth over the Capricorn, Aquarius cusp before fully moving into Aquarius which will be on November 19, 2024.

Since Pluto’s momentous entry into Aquarius on March 23rd, we have felt a powerful pull to deep shadow work around our individuality and the authenticity of our lives. However, on May 1, 2023, Pluto made its first station retrograde in Aquarius. This brief first foray into Aquarius didn’t give us the time to gain much momentum and significantly experience the effects of this transition into Aquarius. With this retrograde re-entry in Capricorn, the Cosmos is showing us we aren’t done with Pluto in Capricorn and we need to have a serious and honest review and re-evaluation of how well or not so well we’ve grown and healed through the expression and lessons of Capricorn.

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Full Moon in Sagittarius - June 3, 2023, 11:42 PM, EDT

Gemini season like a breath of fresh air, invigorates our mind and picks up the pace of day to day life. However with the abundance of Taurus energy remaining after the recent New Moon, we continue to receive cosmic support that grounds us during this fiery lunar phase. Symbolized by the Archer with bow taught and arrow pointed towards the sky, the bright light of this Full Moon increases emotional awareness of where we have been, how far we’ve come and inspires us to go beyond our limits and stretch further into life.

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New Moon in Taurus - May 19, 2023

As we come to the end of Taurus season we continue to receive the gift of a more measured pace after the emotional turbulence of the two recent eclipses, Mercury retrograde and Pluto retrograde. With the powerful combination of the New Moon, Uranus, Mercury, North Node and Jupiter all lined up in the sign of Taurus, this bountiful New Moon instinctually guides us to our basic needs and deepest desires for a new level of inner and outer stability individuality and prosperity.

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Jupiter enters Taurus - May 16, 2023

Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system and in astrology and the birthchart represents the part of us that has big dreams, is good natured and with an innate faith in life has the ability to bounce back. Jupiter always asks: How are you underestimating yourself?

The cycle of transiting Jupiter is 12 years, spending approximately 12-13 months in a sign. On May 10, 2022 Jupiter entered Aries where facing fears, finding courage, setting boundaries and taking action was Jupiter’s big picture. Now after a year of amplified growth fed by fiery initiative, on May 16, 2023 Jupiter moves into slow, steady and practical Taurus bringing us back into our bodies and in touch with our basic needs and creature comforts.

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Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio - May 5, 2023 1:34 PM, EDT

After the super charged energy of Aries season, the month of May and Taurus season brings us down to Earth and steadies us with more solid footing in time for the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. This penumbral eclipse is not as strong as a partial or total eclipse yet with the slight dimming of Luna’s light our emotions are powerfully stirred up, compelling us to dive deep and truthfully explore our innermost emotions and hidden desires.

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Pluto in Aquarius Stations Retrograde - May 1, 2023

The planet of transformation, death and rebirth, the work of transiting Pluto’s is internal, within each of us, and we make up the collective. As Pluto evolves through the cycle of the signs so does the fundamental motivations within our subconscious that then are expressed through a higher vibration or lower vibration (shadow) and made visible out in the world. Being the outermost, most slow moving planet, Pluto’s impact is highly significant in changing humanity and shaping the course of history.

Pluto in Aquarius began its annual retrograde as well as its first retrograde in Aquarius on May 1, 2023 and lasts until October 10, 2023 when Pluto stations direct in Capricorn.

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New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries - April 20, 2023, 12:12 AM, EDT

Aries season 2023 began with a fiery New Moon at 00 degrees, 50 minutes of Aries that activated a powerful desire for new beginnings. Now as we close Aries season, we are given a second and more intense signal with the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries at 29 degrees, 50 minutes. With a brave heart fed by hope and a sense of higher destiny, this New Moon Eclipse delivers a super charged thrust to be decisive, confident and the bold architect of our lives.

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Full Moon in Libra - April 6, 2023, 12:34 AM, EDT

This Aries season began with a feisty New Moon at 00 degrees, 51 minutes of Aries and will end on April 20th with a powerful Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse at 29 degrees, 50 minutes, the first eclipse of 2023. Providing a cosmic point of balance between these two fiery lunar phases is the first Full Moon of the astrological year, the Full Moon in Libra.

Shining a loving light of grace on our partnerships, this Full Moon heightens emotional sensitivity to the needs and feelings of others as well as our own. Highlighting the importance of honest cooperation and compromise, this Libra Moon motivates us to reach for personal healing, growth and harmony, within ourselves and significant relationships.

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New Moon in Aries - March 21, 2023, 1:24 PM, EDT

 As we release the extrasensory and dreamy season of Pisces with the March Equinox, that point of balance between night and day, dark and light, a cosmic shift wakes us up as the Sun enters Aries, the first fiery season of a new astrological year. Like the symbolic Ram, horns down, ready to charge, the very next day we are given a super jump start with the New Moon at 00 degrees. 51 minutes of Aries activating us to fearlessly reset, recharge and begin again.

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Saturn enters Pisces - March 7, 2023

On March 7, 2023 transiting Saturn left the sign of Aquarius and entered Pisces until February 13, 2026. Saturn is the teacher with a strict demeanor and heavy load of homework. Misunderstood, Saturn is not bad, Saturn is hard as it requires the best of us by providing serious motivation to do what we often don’t feel like doing.

Saturn’s core value is self-discipline that also asks for responsible, persistent effort. There is a saying that Saturn will give us the cosmic paycheck we earned, that there are consequences to what we do or don’t do. We each are responsible for our choices and actions and with concerted application and sustained effort, greater maturity, dignity and wisdom can result.

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