New Moon in Pisces - February 27, 2025, 7:46 PM, EST

Now in Pisces season and the last days of February, the cosmos offers us a generous gift with the powerful planetary alignment of Saturn, Mercury, the North Node and Neptune all in the sign of Pisces. Leading this impressive stellium is the New Moon in Pisces, the last New Moon of this astrological year with a profound message for us all. This is the time to turn away from the noise, quiet our minds and gaze within. To acknowledge reality, yet also knowingly step into the limitless potential of our imagination, creating a new vision of ourselves, our future and the world around us.

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New Moon in Aquarius - January, 29, 2025, 7:35 AM, EST

Now in Aquarius season, the Sun radiates the altruistic essence of Aquarius, energizing the developing undercurrents of soul growth within us. As we emotionally turn inward to deeply understand our needs for continued happiness and wellbeing, the New Moon in Aquarius, the first New Moon of this year urges us to pay attention to the whispers of our heart. We are all now in an era of awakening, of releasing what we’ve outgrown and of setting intentions that honor our innermost vision and personal identity while also contributing to the greater human family.

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New Moon in Capricorn - December 30, 2024, 5:28 PM, EST

After the Solstice on December 21st and the changing of the seasons, the Sun aligns with the Moon in the industrious light of Capricorn, the last New Moon of this year.  A time of new beginnings at the end of 2024, the New Moon in Capricorn is a cosmic moment of honest emotional reflection, calling us to become the architect of our lives and determine what we want to establish that holds the potential to become something meaningful, solid and stand the test of time.

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New Moon in Scorpio - November 1, 2024, 8:47 AM, EDT

Scorpio season is upon us, the time of year when we instinctively turn inward, exploring the hidden depths of our psyche. This powerful soul searching, reaches a peak under the New Moon in Scorpio that asks us to shed old layers, not for the sake of mere release, but for the gift of transmutation; to reclaim what lies beneath the surface and weave it into something wholly reborn.

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New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra - October , 2024, 2:50 PM, EDT

During Libra season, as the solar cycle continues with the shifting light of day and night, the lunar cycle presents us with a dramatic ring of fire during the last eclipse of 2024, the New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra. Calling us deep within, this moment of cosmic reflection urges us to take an honest assessment of where and how our lives and relationships have tipped out of balance.  

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New Moon in Virgo - September 2, 2024, 9:55 PM, EDT

 After the playful vitality of Leo season, the Sun in Virgo’s commonsense energy carries us into September, helping us navigate any post-shadow glitches of Mercury’s recent retrograde with careful scrutiny. Adding to this season of practicality is the New Moon in Virgo, urging us to clean the slate and begin again; to refine our routines, bring order to chaos and see the magic in the mundane. It's a heartfelt call for self-improvement and selfless acts of service with competence, compassion and patience.

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New Moon in Leo - August 4, 2024, 7:13 AM, EDT

Leo season is the time of year where the life giving essence of the Sun radiates powerfully in its own sign. Aligned with this fiery solar light is lovely Luna forming the New Moon in Leo. Stirring us with profound emotions, we are called to reflect upon our self-perception, our presence in the world and the gifts we have to share. With an abundance of encouragement for us to take up space and step into the spotlight, this upbeat lunar phase of new beginnings charges us to shine our light on those around us, and to share our unique gifts with unabashed enthusiasm.

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New Moon in Cancer - July 5, 2024, 6:56 PM, EDT

Now in Cancer season, the Sun aligns with lovely Luna and as the New Moon in Cancer rises in the dark night, consciousness turns inward, gently searching.  A time for introspection and care, memories surface as we are called to listen to the whispers of our heart; to attend to our emotional needs that often go unnoticed in the responsibilities and changing circumstances of everyday life.

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New Moon in Gemini - June 6, 2024 8:38 AM, EDT

 Fully into Gemini season, the flow of life continues to pick up with an influx of ideas and choices where our attention is pulled in various directions. Increasing this lively energy is the inquisitive New Moon in Gemini rising in the sky. Like a breath of fresh air, this New Moon invites us to embark on an inner journey of heart based exploration; where information and communication energize and our yearning for new possibilities and adventures are open ended.

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New Moon in Taurus - May 7, 2024 11:22 PM, EDT

After the intensity of the recent Full Moon, Taurus season revels in the beauty of the natural world and calls us into a realm of sensory richness, emotional grounding and renewal with the New Moon in Taurus. Offering us fertile soil for planting the seeds of our intentions, this is the lunar phase of new beginnings, to nurture our desires, solidify our foundations and cultivate the patience to see our dreams bloom into reality.

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New Moon in Pisces - March 10, 2024, 5:01 AM, EDT

Now in the final days of the astrological New Year, the gentle rays of the Sun in Pisces increases intuition and tender feelings. Deepening this highly receptive energy is the Super New Moon in Pisces in a cosmic embrace with the Sun, inviting us into the labyrinth of our innermost selves, the limitless realm of emotion and spirit. Immersed in the vast sea of imagination, we nurture the seeds of dreams yet to bloom, the visions of the life we yearn for with the full depth of our being.

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New Moon in Aquarius - February 9, 2024

Aquarius season continues and the long term evolutionary work of the Water Bearer, symbolic of Aquarius seeking and sharing truth and knowledge, is just beginning. With a strong planetary emphasis on progressive ideas and humanitarian pursuits, we continue to feel the pull to claim ourselves more fully.  As the Sun and the Moon align perfectly, the New Moon in Aquarius calls us to reach beyond what is and imagine what could be; to break the emotional fears that bind us to outdated conventions that no longer represent us and courageously re-invent ourselves and our future.

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New Moon in Capricorn - January 11, 2024 , 6:57 AM, EST

At the beginning of every New Year, the Sun shines bright in the sign of Capricorn, stirring up thoughts and desires to do better than last year. Increasing this feeling of fresh starts and making improvements is the first New Moon of 2024. As the Moon aligns with the Sun in steadfast Capricorn, it sets a cosmic tone of focused determination to realistically define our ambitions and with strategic planning and earnest efforts lay the groundwork for realizing our most meaningful goals.

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New Moon in Sagittarius - December 12, 2023, 6:31 PM, EST

During Sagittarius season, the Sun bright with optimism and emotional inspiration, feeds our happiness and wellbeing. Increasing this energy is the New Moon in Sagittarius calling us to break up old routines, claim more freedom and seek adventure. Symbolized by the Archer, Sagittarius, focused on the horizon is on a spiritual quest for understanding the diverse fabric of the world through direct experience.  In discovering more of the big picture of life through various cultures, higher knowledge and elevated perspectives, we have a way to understand our place in it.

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New Moon in Scorpio - November 13, 2023, 4:28 AM, EST

Fully immersed in mysterious Scorpio season, the intensity of the Scorpio Sun continues to light the way for a deep dive into the depths of our psyche. Increasing this powerful Scorpio energy is the Moon joining the Sun, creating the next lunar phase, the New Moon in Scorpio.

The New Moon is a time of creation where we end one phase and begin another with a blank slate that awaits the imprint of our desires and needs. During this New Moon we are called to bravely face something within and excavate deeply hidden shadows that need to come into the light to be dealt with. We are now ready to activate the process of healing and regeneration as part of our next chapter.

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New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra - October 14, 2023, 1:56 PM, EDT

With the Sun now in Libra, the varying light and temperature reflects the weather of this new season. Dramatically adding to this seasonal shift is the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra, the first of the last two eclipses of 2023; an annular eclipse that blocks most of the Sun, creating a dramatic ring of fire that brings lasting effects in our lives. As we set intentions in quiet contemplation of Libra’s celestial realm of beauty, balance and harmony, this powerful Solar Eclipse creates a dynamic cosmic opening for a leap in consciousness, a pause in the light that resets our personal sense of self, our identity and our partnerships. 

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New Moon in Virgo - September 14, 2023, 9:40 PM, EDT

Halfway through September with the Equinox approaching, we are inundated with retrograde planets, including Mercury which stations direct September 15, 2023. As we reflect and reconsider many facets of life, we are called deep within our heart to begin the process of starting fresh with a new perspective and plan revitalizing our happiness and personal satisfaction. As the Sun and Moon merge in earthy Virgo, a growing sense of discontent crystalizes. There is something within ourselves or our lives that we know could be better than it is and we now are ready to get to work and do something about it. 

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New Moon in Leo - August 16, 2023, 5:38 AM, EDT

During Leo season when the Sun aligns with its own sign, solar power rules and like the mighty lion whose presence is commanding, we are fired up to shine our light! Bringing in more of this Leo energy is the New Moon in Leo, where big emotions inspire us to reflect, and re-imagine how we see ourselves, how we show up and what we have to give. Awakening us, this New Moon asks that we embrace our potential for greater leadership, creativity and genuine self-expression. To envision an authentic fresh start where we feel stronger, more vital and alive!

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New Moon in Cancer - July 17, 2023, 2:32 PM, EDT

As we near the end of Cancer season, the Sun and Moon merge, drawing us inward where tender feelings and deeply hidden longings swim. Aligning with the sensitive energy of this New Moon in Cancer, intuition intensifies and calls us to open our heart to the wisdom within that urges us to embrace more of life. To pay attention to our inner world, rich with imagination and initiative and begin to give form to a new set of intentions that requires us to bare our soul a bit more than we are used to.

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New Moon in Gemini - June 18, 2023, 12:37 AM, EDT

In the final few days of Gemini season, the winds of change are active, stimulating interest for continued learning and personal growth. Adding emotional spontaneity that clears the way for a fresh start is the New Moon in Gemini asking us to open our heart and mind to new, exciting ideas and plans that keeps us feeling alive and engaged with the pulse of life.

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