New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Aries - April 8, 2024, 2:21 PM, EDT

Aries season fires up with the first New Moon of the astrological year, the New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Aries. This extra intense Super New Moon of initiation and rebirth, urges us to assert ourselves and take steps towards realizing our dreams. Honoring our feelings with conviction, this is a time of restorative new beginnings; to face fears head on and set forth on unexplored paths with a steadfast determination in pursuit of what sets our soul on fire.

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New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra - October 14, 2023, 1:56 PM, EDT

With the Sun now in Libra, the varying light and temperature reflects the weather of this new season. Dramatically adding to this seasonal shift is the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra, the first of the last two eclipses of 2023; an annular eclipse that blocks most of the Sun, creating a dramatic ring of fire that brings lasting effects in our lives. As we set intentions in quiet contemplation of Libra’s celestial realm of beauty, balance and harmony, this powerful Solar Eclipse creates a dynamic cosmic opening for a leap in consciousness, a pause in the light that resets our personal sense of self, our identity and our partnerships. 

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New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries - April 20, 2023, 12:12 AM, EDT

Aries season 2023 began with a fiery New Moon at 00 degrees, 50 minutes of Aries that activated a powerful desire for new beginnings. Now as we close Aries season, we are given a second and more intense signal with the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries at 29 degrees, 50 minutes. With a brave heart fed by hope and a sense of higher destiny, this New Moon Eclipse delivers a super charged thrust to be decisive, confident and the bold architect of our lives.

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New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio - October 25, 2022, 6:49 AM, EDT

Scorpio season is here. Mysterious, instinctual with a taste for the dark, as Scorpio’s light shifts, so does our focus and what is hidden calls our name. Intensifying this potent water energy is the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio. Pulling us deep within to examine our most private thoughts and feelings, this partial Solar Eclipse compels us to confront our shadow that holds us captive and embrace the changes that will occur and are ultimately for our highest good.

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New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus - April 30, 2022 4:28 PM EDT

Fully in Taurus season, the cosmic pace slows down calling us to establish what we set in motion during the last New Moon phase in needed preparation for the upcoming eclipse season. As this month winds down be ready for the first eclipse of 2022, the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 30th. A cosmic awakening of inner shifts and outer changes begin to unfold, activating what we need for continued happiness and re-aligning our vision of security and resources, personally and collectively.

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New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini - June 10, 2021, 6:54 AM EDT

Rolling into June in the midst of Gemini season and 3 planets retrograde including Mercury in Gemini, we are being served a menu of sometimes increased, sometimes stalled, change and communication that will receive a cosmic boost and restart on June 10th when the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini occurs. An annular eclipse, this New Moon doesn’t entirely block the Sun, resulting in a dramatic ring of fire that won’t be visible in all parts of the world, but will be felt within and in our personal world.

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New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius - December 14, 2020 11:17 AM, EDT

The last New Moon of 2020 is a Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius; a super powerful New Moon with the opportunity to see beyond what is, who we are and how far we’ve come. Calling up our deepest desires it’s time for a shift in consciousness where hope, unexplored possibilities and future happiness lead us forward. 2021 here we come!

During a Solar Eclipse the light of the Sun is blocked by the Moon for a period of time creating a pause in the light, a break with who we are and what we need; setting in motion a cosmic reset of head and heart. A time of change and powerful new beginnings that unfold over time, often up to 6 months. Be attentive to significant inner and outer life shifts helping you make sense of this time and any decisions concerning your personal growth and happiness.

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New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer - June 21, 2020, 2:42 AM EDT

The end of June brings the second eclipse of the month, a New Moon Solar Eclipse in the sign of Cancer. A New Moon Eclipse forms when the Moon moves between the Earth and the Sun, blocking or eclipsing the light from reaching Earth. In Addition all Eclipses form near the lunar nodes which intensify and activate karmic patterns.

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