Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces - September 17, 2024, 10:34 PM, EDT

As the path of the Virgo Sun slowly moves south we sense the season changing as we approach the Equinox and the start of autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and spring in the Southern Hemisphere. This time of transition intensifies with the last Full Moon eclipse of 2024, the Super Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, calling us deep within, to lean into the flow of the Universe, trust the wisdom of our intuition and embrace the unknown.

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New Moon in Virgo - September 2, 2024, 9:55 PM, EDT

 After the playful vitality of Leo season, the Sun in Virgo’s commonsense energy carries us into September, helping us navigate any post-shadow glitches of Mercury’s recent retrograde with careful scrutiny. Adding to this season of practicality is the New Moon in Virgo, urging us to clean the slate and begin again; to refine our routines, bring order to chaos and see the magic in the mundane. It's a heartfelt call for self-improvement and selfless acts of service with competence, compassion and patience.

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Uranus in Taurus stations retrograde - August 28, 2023

Uranus in the sign of Taurus joins the still growing list of planets stationing retrograde in 2023 and will last until January 27, 2024 when Uranus will station direct.

Called the “Great Awakener,” a planet that creates change, Uranus wakes us up to who we truly are. During this retrograde period some of the outer shake ups can subside, but the process within each of us will begin and deepen, leading us through internal shifts of awareness and reckoning.

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Mercury in Virgo Stations Retrograde - August 23, 2023

The first day of the Sun entering Virgo, we are deep into retrograde season. Yes it’s time for another go around with Mercury! Increasing the mental focus of this phase of retracing and reflecting on where we’ve been is due to Mercury being in Virgo, one of the two signs Mercury rules (Gemini is the other). In the down to earth sign of Virgo extra emphasis is focused on overall improvement, of self and circumstances.

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Full Moon in Pisces - Saturday, September 10, 2022, 5:59 AM, EDT

The solar season of Virgo calls us to take stock of ourselves, our lives and with discernment pay attention to the details, think strategically and make a plan that strives for improvement. In perfect cosmic counterbalance, the Full Moon in Pisces floods our heart and soul with tender emotions that awaken us to a sea of compassion, creative possibilities and greater spiritual awareness.

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Full Moon in Pisces - September 20, 2021, 7:55 PM, EDT

In the final days of Virgo as we sense the shifting of the light and of the seasons and we anticipate the upcoming Equinox, the Moon rises luminous in the sign of Pisces, expanding our inner world and opening our heart where compassion, creativity and connection abounds.

Pisces is the mutable water sign that seeks self-transcendence. Compassionate, creative and gentle with strong psychic gifts, Pisces can also fall into patterns of escapism, apathy and seeing life through rose colored glasses, blurring the lines between reality and fantasy.

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