New Moon in Leo - August 16, 2023, 5:38 AM, EDT

During Leo season when the Sun aligns with its own sign, solar power rules and like the mighty lion whose presence is commanding, we are fired up to shine our light! Bringing in more of this Leo energy is the New Moon in Leo, where big emotions inspire us to reflect, and re-imagine how we see ourselves, how we show up and what we have to give. Awakening us, this New Moon asks that we embrace our potential for greater leadership, creativity and genuine self-expression. To envision an authentic fresh start where we feel stronger, more vital and alive!

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Full Moon in Capricorn - July 3, 2023, 7:39 AM, EDT

Now in Cancer season and the beginning of summer in the northern hemisphere and winter in the southern hemisphere, the night sky will be illuminated by the first Super Full Moon of the 2023. Closer to the Earth, with a brighter light and stronger gravitational pull this Full Moon in Capricorn intensifies and illuminates our emotions around personal responsibilities and the needs of home and family, with our professional obligations and the needs of career, community and our most worthy goals.

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New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries - April 20, 2023, 12:12 AM, EDT

Aries season 2023 began with a fiery New Moon at 00 degrees, 50 minutes of Aries that activated a powerful desire for new beginnings. Now as we close Aries season, we are given a second and more intense signal with the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries at 29 degrees, 50 minutes. With a brave heart fed by hope and a sense of higher destiny, this New Moon Eclipse delivers a super charged thrust to be decisive, confident and the bold architect of our lives.

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New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini - June 10, 2021, 6:54 AM EDT

Rolling into June in the midst of Gemini season and 3 planets retrograde including Mercury in Gemini, we are being served a menu of sometimes increased, sometimes stalled, change and communication that will receive a cosmic boost and restart on June 10th when the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini occurs. An annular eclipse, this New Moon doesn’t entirely block the Sun, resulting in a dramatic ring of fire that won’t be visible in all parts of the world, but will be felt within and in our personal world.

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Full Moon in Leo - January 28, 2021, 2:17 PM EST

The first Full Moon of 2021 is in the sign of Leo. After a long year of challenges behind us and beginning a new year with more, this Moon brings the realization that we are ready to feel our fire, our life force, our creativity. As we make decisions and plans we need to revel in how much we’ve changed and grown. Expanding our hearts and filling us with a sense of our own radiance and joy, we are ready to take up some healthy space and celebrate who we are now and are becoming.

Leo a fixed fire sign is playful, magnetic, creative, and self-expressive with the potential if called, to lead through example with a dignified grace. Aquarius a fixed air sign is innovative, detached, seeks freedom and is a unique radical independent thinker.

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New Moon in Capricorn - January 13, 2021, 12:01 AM, EST

We start this long-awaited New Year with the first New Moon of 2021 in the earth sign of Capricorn where personal responsibility to practical matters, including health, career and finances are well served. Merely days past a year we were relieved to move beyond many challenges continue. However, this New Moon rising in the dark sky, unseen but felt urges us to keep going, one step at a time; to look to the future and nurture the seeds of our great potential.

The New Moon phase supports setting intentions for new beginnings and Capricorn, a cardinal sign has a natural urge for getting started on some plan or project not yet realized. Capricorn with a strong will, living up to self-defined values is disciplined, logical and self-sufficient. Striving to accomplish “great work” and needing a certain amount of solitude, Capricorn’s steady focus on reaching goals becomes the shadow expression when workaholism, loneliness or becoming emotionally closed off takes over.

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