New Moon in Aries - March 21, 2023, 1:24 PM, EDT

 As we release the extrasensory and dreamy season of Pisces with the March Equinox, that point of balance between night and day, dark and light, a cosmic shift wakes us up as the Sun enters Aries, the first fiery season of a new astrological year. Like the symbolic Ram, horns down, ready to charge, the very next day we are given a super jump start with the New Moon at 00 degrees. 51 minutes of Aries activating us to fearlessly reset, recharge and begin again.

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Full Moon in Gemini - December 7, 2022, 11:09 PM EST

Now in hope filled Sagittarius season, the Sun and Moon align in opposition creating the Full Moon in Gemini. This last Full Moon of 2022 rises in the night sky intensified with a fierce determination and emotional resiliency that compels us to remain open to what comes next as well as fearlessly communicate and even possibly defend, what’s in our heart mind and spirit.

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New Moon in Sagittarius - November 23, 2022, 5:58 PM EST

Now that we have made it through the last of the eclipses of 2022 and just entered Sagittarius season, we are ready for some fresh air that blows out the cobwebs, clears our vision and sets an emotional tone of positivity for the next lunar phase. With the promise of a fresh start, the New Moon in Sagittarius calls our attention deep within where desires are felt, ideas form and our intentions emerge. We are ready to rejuvenate our heart with renewed direction and future growth, where we turn our gaze, spread our wings and soar farther than we’ve gone before.

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New Moon in Leo - Wednesday, July 28, 2022, 1:56 PM, EDT

Now in the season of the majestic Lion, whose regal presence and mighty roar rivets our attention, the Sun and Moon perfectly align in the sign of Leo, signaling a time of bold new beginnings. Charged with an abundance of enthusiasm this New Moon lunar phase puts a fire under our desire to shine. To bring what is within us out into the open, expressing ourselves with heart, soul and maybe even some humor!

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Super Full Moon in Capricorn - Wednesday, July 13, 2022 2:37 PM, EDT

Halfway through 2022 the Cosmos summons us to take stock of ourselves, our goals and the results of our sustained efforts to build something meaningful and lasting. With the help of outer planet retrogrades and the Super Full Moon in Capricorn, what has been brewing within rises to the surface, needing attention. This opposition of the Sun in Cancer with the Moon in Capricorn illuminates the importance of balance between Cancer’s emotional nurturing nature and the inner realms of home and family with Capricorn’s rational, responsible worldly concerns and serious focus on career and accomplishments.

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Mars enters Taurus - July 5, 2022

On July 5, 2022 Mars moves into the sign of Taurus until August 20, 2022. In the sign of Aries since May 24, 2022, Mars has lit a fire under us to release fears, find our courage, set healthy boundaries and take action in the ways that matter to each of us.

When in Taurus the quick drive and passion of Aries subsides into a slow burn, stabilizing what began in Aries and laying the groundwork for turning most important and recent efforts into something that is lasting.

Wherever Mars is moving in your birthchart is an area of life that you are pulled to activate.