New Moon in Cancer - July 17, 2023, 2:32 PM, EDT

 As we near the end of Cancer season, the Sun and Moon merge, drawing us inward where tender feelings and deeply hidden longings swim. Aligning with the sensitive energy of this New Moon in Cancer, intuition intensifies and calls us to open our heart to the wisdom within that urges us to embrace more of life. To pay attention to our inner world, rich with imagination and initiative and begin to give form to a new set of intentions that requires us to bare our soul a bit more than we are used to.

Ruled by the Moon, the sign of Cancer is changeable, with strong mothering and healing instincts. Deeply empathetic and nurturing, Cancer can lose sight of what they need in caring for others. With a dislike of being vulnerable and naturally oriented to home, family, security and comfort, self-preservation is a driving need.

Adding complexity to this lunar phase is the shift of the nodal axis, that happens every 18 months and just occurred on July 12, 2023. Moving from Taurus/Scorpio into Aries/Libra, the North and South Node forms a square with the New Moon. Emotional triggers are more likely, bringing up challenging feelings around self-assertion, independence and individual needs vs cooperative effort, interdependence and relationship needs. Karmic patterns of co-dependency and avoiding conflict can surface during this time pressing us to address these issues and find a healthy resolve.

Increasing the complexity is Pluto in Capricorn opposing the Moon. Currently retrograde, Pluto compels us to face ourselves and honestly review the results of our previous efforts. To determine if we are still on course with our most worthy goals and if not, address how we can get back on track with integrity and responsibility. Emotional conflicts, power struggles and karmic patterns garner attention as hidden truths within ourselves and relationships are brought into the light for healing and transformation. These two oppositions, in cardinal signs, create a cardinal grand cross giving this Moon a powerful surge of initiative to help us get started. 

Offering welcome support is Uranus in Taurus in a stimulating sextile with the New Moon where unexpected opportunities or changes connected to basic resources are possible. This aspect encourages making new choices that uphold who you are now as you focus on your self-care and emotional security found within home and family.

During this New Moon, create the time and space for introspection and the whispers of your soul. Open your heart to what has been slowly surfacing within you, honor your true feelings and understand that to get your needs met you have to reveal what you need. This may feel difficult, yet this is the time to embrace vulnerability and new possibilities.

With an emphasis on family, including those that feel like family this New Moon in Cancer signals you to lean into personal expansion and open your heart to life, to cultivate greater emotional well-being and sense of belonging within yourself and your most heartfelt relationships.

If you are interested in knowing where the New Moon in Cancer occurs in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth, am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best) and city and state of birth. 

Be Well ~ Be Love

Many  Blessings,
