New Moon in Taurus - May 19, 2023

As we come to the end of Taurus season we continue to receive the gift of a more measured pace after the emotional turbulence of the two recent eclipses, Mercury retrograde and Pluto retrograde. With the powerful combination of the New Moon, Uranus, Mercury, North Node and Jupiter all lined up in the sign of Taurus, this bountiful New Moon instinctually guides us to our basic needs and deepest desires for a new level of inner and outer stability individuality and prosperity.

The first of the earth signs, Taurus is nature loving and a seeker of security through a variety of tangible resources. Symbolized by the Bull, Taurus is patient and strong willed, at times unmoving. Not a fan of change or drama, Taurus loves consistency, but can become excessively stubborn, stuck and struggle, even when change is the best choice. Ruled by Venus; relationships, love, beauty and the arts fall under her domain. With Venus, currently in the sign of Cancer, love is tender and nurturing bringing a sweetness to the overall atmosphere of this New Moon that is devoted to coming back into our body and calming down

The vibration of this lunar phase is greatly amplified by the large stellium of planetary influence in Taurus. Uranus the “Great Awakener” continues to re-arrange the landscape of life. The planet of freedom and individuality brings emotional shifts, insights and breakthroughs that can take you in new directions you feel more aligned with.

With Mercury in Taurus, stillness and silence allows you to hear the whispers of your soul. With clear thoughts, conscious listening and sharing, communication with others gets to the heart of the matter. Gathering insights from Mercury’s retrograde in Taurus, focus on the simple truths of what you need and how to materialize it. Inspiring elevated soul growth, the North Node in Taurus emphasizes that in a complex world our North Star is finding our center, grounding ourselves and cultivating ease, grace and comfort.

Adding buoyancy to this New Moon is Jupiter, now in Taurus for this next year, creating abundant  opportunity and growth of our heartfelt dreams that can lay a more solid foundation of stability in all aspects of life. In addition, Jupiter and Pluto, both at 00 degrees form a compelling square, challenging us to reach for our sense of destiny, and grow and thrive in the most personally meaningful authentic ways.

Increasing the sensitive energy of this lunar cycle is Mars in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces both in a sextile with the New Moon. These stimulating aspects increase passionate courage for all you hold dear, including home and family as well as activating higher guidance through intuitive signals and inspiration.  

During this New Moon open your heart and mind to new beginnings that soothe your spirit, honors the wisdom of your body and your basic needs for happiness and wellbeing. Trust that you are ready for a win. Know what you want and need. Envision it and let it sink in deep, feel it in your bones. With this New Moon the cosmos is opening a generous window of opportunity and manifestation. Working with this robust stellium of steadfast Taurus energy, our visions, desire and needs are given a bountiful blessing of rich potential, in love, wealth, comfort and health that can lay the groundwork for inner and outer stability in an ever changing world.

If you are interested in knowing where the New Moon in Taurus occurs in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth, am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best) and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love 

Many Blessings, 
