Full Moon in Sagittarius - June 3, 2023, 11:42 PM, EDT

Gemini season like a breath of fresh air, invigorates our mind and picks up the pace of day to day life. However with the abundance of Taurus energy remaining after the recent New Moon, we continue to receive cosmic support that grounds us during this fiery lunar phase. Symbolized by the Archer with bow taught and arrow pointed towards the sky, the bright light of this Full Moon increases emotional awareness of where we have been, how far we’ve come and inspires us to go beyond our limits and stretch further into life.

Creating the polarity with the Moon, is the Sun in Gemini, the first air sign. Naturally curious, mentally agile and adaptable, Gemini loves to gather and share information, question everything and engage in lively and meaningful communication. With a belief that there are at least two ways of looking at everything, Gemini seeks to have an open mind.

Jupiter, the ruler of this moon phase is now in practical Taurus, calling us to slow down, settle into our bodies and senses and claim opportunities to expand and stabilize resources; our skills, finances, belongings and relationships.

Adding to the calming planetary backdrop is Mercury and Uranus, both in Taurus, creating the space for low-key, thoughtful, yet innovative ideas and communication. This can also signal sudden insights and breakthroughs in personal interactions and shared feelings.

In a challenging square to the Moon, Saturn in Pisces seriously reminds us to be wise, patient and compassionate when dealing with others as this Moon in Sagittarius can be exuberant and blunt, making it difficult for some to hold space for sensitive emotional sharing. Also, to open up to our intuition and trust the higher guidance of the Divine, the Universe as we determine any decisions or plans.

Mars in Leo provides support in a trine with the Moon, fueling our courage to take action, set boundaries, declare our feelings, or take a risk by letting ourselves be fully seen through our unique creative personal self-expression. With the added passion that Mars in Leo brings to this phase, keep in mind the shadow of Sagittarius; over-optimism, over-extension or insensitivity.

During this Sagittarius Moon we can feel a growing sense of restlessness. A yearning for direct experience and higher knowledge of various cultures, philosophies or traditions that take us beyond what we know, and expands our understanding of the world around us and our place in it. In addition, when we cultivate an open mind and release outdated beliefs or dogmatic perspectives that limit us or take us down a misguided path, this lunar phase can be a catalyst for, self-discovery and personal development. Shining a radiant light that illuminates your hearts desire for unexplored horizons, the Full Moon in Sagittarius guides you to aim for new adventures and continued spiritual discovery; to choose a path of growth that intrigues, inspires and feeds your faith in life.

If you are interested in knowing where the Full Moon in Sagittarius occurs in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth, am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best) and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love 

Many Blessings, 
