Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio - May 5, 2023 1:34 PM, EDT

After the super charged energy of Aries season, the month of May and Taurus season brings us down to Earth and steadies us with more solid footing in time for the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. This penumbral eclipse is not as strong as a partial or total eclipse yet with the slight dimming of Luna’s light our emotions are powerfully stirred up, compelling us to dive deep and truthfully explore our innermost emotions and hidden desires.

New and Full Moon phases that are close to the nodal axis create eclipses, activating karmic patterns and evolutionary potential for soul growth. Changes occur up to 6 months that may feel unsettling, however, the eclipse cycle moves us forward for our highest good. This nodal cycle of Taurus/Scorpio finishing up this October signals us to simplify, strengthen and center ourselves, our relationships and resources to better navigate the complexity of life in an often chaotic, challenging world.

Ruled by Pluto which just stationed retrograde in Aquarius on May 1, 2023, this powerful planet takes us into the depths of our subconscious, calling us to face issues concerning freedom, personal power and individuality. The planet of transformation, Pluto is known for breaking up old patterns and emotional blocks that are ready to be cleared away whether we feel prepared to or not. Ultimately this facilitates healing where our highest potential awaits us.

Active during this lunar phase is Uranus in Taurus and Mercury retrograde in Taurus both conjunct the Sun and opposing the Moon. This brings an awareness to take pause and reflect upon any changes that occur before making make solid decisions and follow through.   

With the Moon in a harmonious trine with Mars in Cancer and Saturn in Pisces, holding space, setting boundaries with empathy and a disciplined effort for compassion offers needed support during the revealing nature of this lunar eclipse that for some, can feel painful or overwhelmingly intense.

In the background Mars in Cancer squares Jupiter and Chiron in Aries where finding the initiative and courage to be vulnerable in the face of fear is what brings the greatest opportunity for healing.

During this eclipse, passionate emotions increase, impacting us and significant relationships. Our shadow side is brought into awareness revealing something that has been hidden and is ready for attention. As the light of this Moon darkens, a cosmic reset in consciousness occurs where sudden or profound psychological breakthroughs are possible.

With Scorpio’s laser focus and complex feelings that naturally dive into the recesses of the psyche we can become stuck in the dark. Bringing balance in through the calm, grounded energies of Taurus is called for and part of the awareness during this Moon. However, it’s important to have a trusted friend, partner or family member to work through difficult feelings, regaining perspective.

As your emotions evolve your view of life adjusts and a change of heart that compels you to release something or someone and move you in a different direction is possible. Although these changes may feel uncomfortable or not understood, trust the timing of this celestial cycle of healing and transformation that ultimately serves your highest potential and your soul’s evolution over time.

If you are interested in knowing where the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio occurs in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth, am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best) and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love 

Many Blessings, 
