Saturn in Pisces Stations Retrograde - June 17, 2023

Transiting Saturn has been in the sign of Pisces since March 7, 2023. Saturn is the great teacher, the taskmaster and the planet that spells out clearly the things we should be doing that we often don’t want to do, and what the consequences are if we don’t do these things.

In the sensitive sign of Pisces, Saturn is a cosmic signal that we, collectively and individually need to be more serious about and apply ourselves to our spiritual lives, creative undertakings and deepening our capacity for compassion. Saturn in Pisces also brings us up front and close to the shadow of Pisces; issues around escapism, addiction, apathy or delusion that may have or are becoming a problem.

Now stationing retrograde, it’s time to get real with what needs honest attention. We have the opportunity to revisit the efforts we’ve made, the growth we’ve experienced as well as the struggles we’ve had. This long phase of review gives us time to examine our strategies and goals; our idea of “great work”. Of limitations we’ve come up against as well as how we can make improvements. Are we applying ourselves to what is truly meaningful and desired or are we off course?

What are the challenges we need to face and the lessons we need to learn in order to become more disciplined and effective, to mature and evolve spiritually? This almost 4 month period of deep self-reflection and inner work can with intention, provide clarity as to how well or not so well our outer world and efforts are aligned with and support our soul’s sense of high destiny and purpose.

Pay attention to dreams, psychic sensitivities and intuition. Meditation and other forms of spiritual practice including creativity are called for and helpful. As we reassess responsibilities and the results of our labor, unresolved emotional wounds can arise and overwhelm. However, when we use wisdom, patience and compassion for ourselves and others we can grow from this retrograde phase and move forward with a clearer sense of direction and inner strength that will motivate our renewed commitment and effort when Saturn stations direct on November 4, 2023. 

If you are interested in knowing where Saturn in Pisces retrograde occurs in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth, am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best) and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love 

Many Blessings, 
