Super Full Moon in Aries - September 29, 2023, 5:57 AM, EDT

With the Sun now in Libra and the Equinox just past, the balance between day and night begins to shift as we enter a new season. Illuminating the night sky and our deepest feelings, the bright light of the Super Full Moon in Aries, fires up our personal will and bold desires with a powerful focus on claiming our individual needs. With the opposition to the Sun in Libra we are also called to consider the needs of those around us, especially our most cherished loved ones.

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Super Full Moon in Pisces - August 30, 2023, 9:35 PM, EDT

During this active Virgo season overflowing with retrograde energies, we wrap up August with the second Super Full Moon of the month, referred to as a Blue Moon. Also the biggest and brightest Super Full Moon in 2023, Luna’s radiant glow will light up the night sky in the mystical sign of Pisces where the veil between the spiritual realm and the material world thins.  Increasing intuition and psychic impressions that guide us to dive into our inner world, this Super Moon asks we embrace the cosmic dance between reason and instinct.

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Full Moon in Capricorn - July 3, 2023, 7:39 AM, EDT

Now in Cancer season and the beginning of summer in the northern hemisphere and winter in the southern hemisphere, the night sky will be illuminated by the first Super Full Moon of the 2023. Closer to the Earth, with a brighter light and stronger gravitational pull this Full Moon in Capricorn intensifies and illuminates our emotions around personal responsibilities and the needs of home and family, with our professional obligations and the needs of career, community and our most worthy goals.

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New Moon in Capricorn - December 23, 2022, 5:17 AM, EST

December is almost over and now in Capricorn season and the Solstice on December 21st, we welcome the slow procession of longer days and growing light. As 2023 gets closer, the last New Moon of this year, is a Super Full Moon in the sign of Capricorn setting the tone of preparation for this upcoming year. A time of fresh starts, this lunar phase calls us to thoughtfully examine our feelings and with integrity, commit to careful planning and earnest effort in manifesting our most meaningful visions and goals.

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Super Full Moon in Aquarius - Thursday, August 11, 2022, 9:37 PM, EDT

During this Leo season, big, bold, dramatic energies abound that will reach a peak during this last Super Moon of the year. Looming large and beautiful this Full Moon in Aquarius illuminates our need to release what we’ve outgrown or undermines our intentions and challenges us to continue to innovate and build. To forge the personal path and collective vision that may not always be understood or supported, but deep within, we know is right for us.

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Super Full Moon in Capricorn - Wednesday, July 13, 2022 2:37 PM, EDT

Halfway through 2022 the Cosmos summons us to take stock of ourselves, our goals and the results of our sustained efforts to build something meaningful and lasting. With the help of outer planet retrogrades and the Super Full Moon in Capricorn, what has been brewing within rises to the surface, needing attention. This opposition of the Sun in Cancer with the Moon in Capricorn illuminates the importance of balance between Cancer’s emotional nurturing nature and the inner realms of home and family with Capricorn’s rational, responsible worldly concerns and serious focus on career and accomplishments.

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Super Full Moon in Sagittarius - June 14, 2022, 7:52 AM, EDT

With the recent stations of Mercury in Taurus direct and Saturn in Aquarius retrograde, June has been a busy month of astrological movement. Maintaining that cosmic flow is the Super Full Moon in Sagittarius illuminating how far we’ve come in our journey as well as the recognition that for continued happiness we need to release certainty and venture beyond what we know; discovering new ideas, beliefs and meaningful life experiences that lift our hearts with hope.

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Super Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio - April 16, 2022, 12:14 AM, EDT

Taurus season has brought quite a few significant cosmic changes but we’re not done yet! The second eclipse of 2022 will highlight the final days of the season of the Bull with a Super Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. Under the potent pull of this Lunar Eclipse our heartfelt focus is drawn deep within our core where emotional truths rise to the surface for honest examination.

Scorpio, ruled by Pluto is intense, deep and private; passionate full on feeling, especially when expressed through the Moon. With a natural filter for the taboo and a laser like focus for the unvarnished truth, Scorpio can lose perspective in the labyrinth and depths of human feelings and experience.

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Super Full Moon in Capricorn - June 24, 2021, 2:41 PM EDT

After an intense, busy and sometimes bumpy ride through Mercury retrograde in Gemini and two eclipses we are now in Cancer season with the recent Solstice on June 20th. As we officially enter summer in the northern hemisphere and winter in the southern hemisphere, we will have the last Super Full Moon of 2021 in Capricorn on June 24th, illuminating and intensifying our deepest feelings around the status of our most meaningful goals and commitments.

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Super Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius - May 26, 2021, 7:14 AM, EDT

Fully into Gemini season the pace picks up, words flow and change is in the air. Intensifying this active time is the first Eclipse of 2021; a Super Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius ushering in a period of needed change. As the light of this Moon dims to a reddish hue a cosmic pause and recharge of our feeling nature occurs, opening our heart and soul to higher realms of emotional joy and wellbeing.

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Super Full Moon in Scorpio - April 26, 2021, 11:33 PM, EDT

Taurus season has begun helping us to feel more grounded, steady and supported by the beauty and peace that nature brings. As we revel in the earth energy of Taurus, the Super Full Moon in Scorpio rises big and bright in the night sky asking us to risk honesty and share our truth bringing what has been pushed down or hidden out into the open.

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