Mercury in Virgo Stations Retrograde - August 23, 2023

The first day of the Sun entering Virgo, we are deep into retrograde season. Yes it’s time for another go around with Mercury! Increasing the mental focus of this phase of retracing and reflecting on where we’ve been is due to Mercury being in Virgo, one of the two signs Mercury rules (Gemini is the other). In the down to earth sign of Virgo extra emphasis is focused on overall improvement, of self and circumstances.

With attention to the details and practical analysis, Virgo has a gift for assessing what is and envisioning what could be. Seeking perfection, Virgo is wired to strive for the very best, for excellence, but also can fall into the trap of picking everything apart and only seeing what is wrong.

With a natural desire to be of service through work, this retrograde will prompt us to look back over our efforts and ability to do something well and offer it to others who need it. To provide value that makes a difference. During this retrograde we are guided to discover how we can do better, within some aspect of ourselves and our lives. 

Also active during Mercury retrograde is Venus in Leo, still in the retrograde phase that began July 22nd and ends on September 3rd. With Venus also retrograde in Leo, friends, lovers and business partners can resurface and this phase gives you time for interaction to see if there is desire or purpose in reconnecting with them. If not, this supports you to find closure and move on. With this said, do wait until both retrogrades are over to make any final commitments or decisions around relationships in particular. 

During this time, review, re-organize and revise determining what needs adjustment or completion. Diving into the details Virgo style, this is the perfect time to re-examine anything that could use a go through or update. Your closets, your computer files, your health routines and current projects.

Use your discernment and think critically to determine what you should do, keep, let go of or rework. Being the planet of communication, having important conversations is also called for to foster greater honesty and understanding with friends, family or colleagues. Virgo’s attention to details and problem solving can increase your ability to be thoughtful and careful in using words and taking action. 

Retrograde phases have real purpose in helping us to slow down and get a better sense of where we are and what we’re doing in our lives; what’s working and what isn’t. So if things become tangled and frustration sets in, do your best to remind yourself of the Cosmic intent and trust that it’s a great time to research and strategize, organize and prepare for when Mercury stations direct. Do be aware of the potential to be pulled deep into patterns of negativity especially if you have strong Virgo energy in your chart. 

If you have to make a major purchase, use this time to investigate all the moving parts; the details and fine print. Then wait a day or two if possible and go over again with a list and then follow through. And always pause before delete and save, save, save your files.