Mars enters Taurus - June 8, 2024

Mars is the Warrior, passionate with desire, full of will and with assertiveness, sets boundaries and claims space. Mars is the planet that stirs up fears, frustration and anger as well as the courage and strength to face and resolve them.

As fiery Mars, makes its transition into the earthy and sensual sign of Taurus on June 8, 2024, we are invited to ground our ambitions and ignite our passions with a steady, deliberate flame. This transit, marked by a shift from the impulsive and assertive Aries into the more deliberate and steadfast Taurus, is a time when our drive, determination and right action are tempered with patience and perseverance.

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New Moon in Taurus - May 7, 2024 11:22 PM, EDT

After the intensity of the recent Full Moon, Taurus season revels in the beauty of the natural world and calls us into a realm of sensory richness, emotional grounding and renewal with the New Moon in Taurus. Offering us fertile soil for planting the seeds of our intentions, this is the lunar phase of new beginnings, to nurture our desires, solidify our foundations and cultivate the patience to see our dreams bloom into reality.

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Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus - October 28, 2023, 4:24 PM, EDT

Scorpio season is here and the solar power of introspection and transformation compels us to confront our shadows. Increasing the magnitude of cosmic energy is the Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, the last eclipse of 2023 and the Taurus/Scorpio cycle.

As the light of the Full Moon dims a dusky red, emotional awareness grows and pauses, we’ve been here before and now are ready to make another evolutionary shift. Issues regarding security, stability, resources and relationships continue as well as fears around change and feeling stuck. However, we have reached a cosmic crossroad where purging old and limiting karmic stories and stormy perspectives is necessary.

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Jupiter in Taurus stations retrograde - September 4, 2023

And another retrograde is upon us! Jupiter, in the sign of Taurus, stations retrograde September 4, 2023 adding to the long list of retrograde planets. Good natured Jupiter, is the planet, of big dreams, optimism, and faith in life itself. The planet that asks us to look at how we underestimate ourselves, and with that get in touch with our big dreams, and to believe they are possible.

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Uranus in Taurus stations retrograde - August 28, 2023

Uranus in the sign of Taurus joins the still growing list of planets stationing retrograde in 2023 and will last until January 27, 2024 when Uranus will station direct.

Called the “Great Awakener,” a planet that creates change, Uranus wakes us up to who we truly are. During this retrograde period some of the outer shake ups can subside, but the process within each of us will begin and deepen, leading us through internal shifts of awareness and reckoning.

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Jupiter enters Taurus - May 16, 2023

Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system and in astrology and the birthchart represents the part of us that has big dreams, is good natured and with an innate faith in life has the ability to bounce back. Jupiter always asks: How are you underestimating yourself?

The cycle of transiting Jupiter is 12 years, spending approximately 12-13 months in a sign. On May 10, 2022 Jupiter entered Aries where facing fears, finding courage, setting boundaries and taking action was Jupiter’s big picture. Now after a year of amplified growth fed by fiery initiative, on May 16, 2023 Jupiter moves into slow, steady and practical Taurus bringing us back into our bodies and in touch with our basic needs and creature comforts.

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Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio - May 5, 2023 1:34 PM, EDT

After the super charged energy of Aries season, the month of May and Taurus season brings us down to Earth and steadies us with more solid footing in time for the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. This penumbral eclipse is not as strong as a partial or total eclipse yet with the slight dimming of Luna’s light our emotions are powerfully stirred up, compelling us to dive deep and truthfully explore our innermost emotions and hidden desires.

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Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus - November 8, 2022, 6:03 AM EST

Halfway through Scorpio season, the time of year we are cosmically called to do our own shadow work, the night sky is beautifully illuminated with the red hue of the Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, the last eclipse of 2022. Magnifying our emotions and issues around building security and maintaining our serenity, as the light of the Moon dims, this powerful eclipse reveals what is hidden or being avoided that keeps us stuck, providing the push we need to face these shadows, address them honestly and assess what needs to be released.

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Uranus in Taurus Stations Retrograde - August 24, 2022 to January 22, 2023

On August 24, 2022, transiting Uranus in Taurus will begin its annual retrograde joining the other outer planets in a collective backward spin.

Uranus is the planet of individuation and often called the “Great Awakener” for Uranus shakes us up inside and out, helping us to determine who we truly are from the desires or expectations of society, family and friends.

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New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus - April 30, 2022 4:28 PM EDT

Fully in Taurus season, the cosmic pace slows down calling us to establish what we set in motion during the last New Moon phase in needed preparation for the upcoming eclipse season. As this month winds down be ready for the first eclipse of 2022, the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 30th. A cosmic awakening of inner shifts and outer changes begin to unfold, activating what we need for continued happiness and re-aligning our vision of security and resources, personally and collectively.

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Uranus in Taurus Stations Direct - January 18, 2022

Uranus the Great Awakener, the planet of change, individuality, and profound shifts in consciousness has been retrograde since August 19, 2021, where for the past 5 months many of the dramatic changes that had previously occurred slowed down a bit giving us all a chance to understand and incorporate these shifts within ourselves and our lives. We’ve had a chance to reflect upon how these changes have affected our outlook and reliance on basic resources; our skills, money and relationships.

Now after this 5 month retrograde, Uranus stations direct on January 18, 2022 so do expect the pace to pick up with shifts and sometimes dramatic changes collectively and individually. Much of what we’ve learned and worked on the past 5 months will begin to unfold giving us the chance to determine if our efforts were effective or if there needs to be greater attention or adjustments still made. The next day on January 19th, the Sun will move into the sign of Aquarius, shining the light of the revolutionary and the genius and underlining the energy of Uranus, the planet that wakes us up.

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Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus - November 19, 2021

Changes are brewing as we near the end of Scorpio season with a Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. Eclipses are cyclical, compelling lunar events that activate the nodes of the Moon. Starting with this eclipse on the 19th, a new series of eclipses along the Taurus/Scorpio axis begins, accelerating changes over the next 6 months that will affect our sense of stability and security around resources and relationships

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Blue Full Moon in Taurus - October 31, 2020, 10:49 AM EDP

October 2020 began with a fiery Full Moon in Aries on the 1st and ends with a second Full Moon called a Blue Moon on the 31st, the date of Samhain and Halloween. This event happens approximately every 19 years making this October 31st Blue Full Moon in Taurus quite unusual. As the light of this Full Moon rises in the autumn night sky, emotions build and the energy of mystery, magic and change fills the senses.

Taurus, an earth sign seeks serenity through healthy stable relationships, developed skills and the basics of life that support survival and comfort. Taurus needs consistency which if taken too far leads to fear of change and becoming stuck in a rut. Opposing the Moon is the Sun in Scorpio, a water sign that seeks depth through embracing the taboo material of life. Intense, probing and often uncomfortably honest Scorpio searches for truth.

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