New Moon in Taurus - May 7, 2024 11:22 PM, EDT

After the intensity of the recent Full Moon, Taurus season revels in the beauty of the natural world and calls us into a realm of sensory richness, emotional grounding and renewal with the New Moon in Taurus. Offering us fertile soil for planting the seeds of our intentions, this is the lunar phase of new beginnings, to nurture our desires, solidify our foundations and cultivate the patience to see our dreams bloom into reality.

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Jupiter enters Taurus - May 16, 2023

Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system and in astrology and the birthchart represents the part of us that has big dreams, is good natured and with an innate faith in life has the ability to bounce back. Jupiter always asks: How are you underestimating yourself?

The cycle of transiting Jupiter is 12 years, spending approximately 12-13 months in a sign. On May 10, 2022 Jupiter entered Aries where facing fears, finding courage, setting boundaries and taking action was Jupiter’s big picture. Now after a year of amplified growth fed by fiery initiative, on May 16, 2023 Jupiter moves into slow, steady and practical Taurus bringing us back into our bodies and in touch with our basic needs and creature comforts.

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Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio - May 5, 2023 1:34 PM, EDT

After the super charged energy of Aries season, the month of May and Taurus season brings us down to Earth and steadies us with more solid footing in time for the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. This penumbral eclipse is not as strong as a partial or total eclipse yet with the slight dimming of Luna’s light our emotions are powerfully stirred up, compelling us to dive deep and truthfully explore our innermost emotions and hidden desires.

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