Full Moon in Libra - April 6, 2023, 12:34 AM, EDT

This Aries season began with a feisty New Moon at 00 degrees, 51 minutes of Aries and will end on April 20th with a powerful Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse at 29 degrees, 50 minutes, the first eclipse of 2023. Providing a cosmic point of balance between these two fiery lunar phases is the first Full Moon of the astrological year, the Full Moon in Libra.

Shining a loving light of grace on our partnerships, this Full Moon heightens emotional sensitivity to the needs and feelings of others as well as our own. Highlighting the importance of honest cooperation and compromise, this Libra Moon motivates us to reach for personal healing, growth and harmony, within ourselves and significant relationships.

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New Moon in Libra - September 25, 2022, 5:56 PM, EDT

Just days after we enter Libra season and the Vernal Equinox, that point of balance between day and night, the magic of the Moon cycle beckons us into the dark night and recesses of our soul to start over once again. The first New Moon of autumn in the northern hemisphere and spring in the southern hemisphere, the New Moon in Libra turns our emotional focus to relationships and personal harmony. A grace filled, social sign that instinctually considers the other person, Libra strives to calm down, realign and achieve equilibrium.

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Full Moon in Libra - April 16, 2022, 2:56 PM, EDT

Deep into Aries season that continues to drive our recent New Moon intentions, the first Full Moon of the astrological new year, the Moon in Libra rises, creating an awareness of the importance in working towards and finding the appropriate balance between independence and inter-dependence. Between boldly claiming what you need with consideration for the feelings and needs of others.

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Autumnal Equinox - September 22, 2020

Today on the Autumnal Equinox when the light and dark, day and night are in equal measure, I feel my connection to nature, to the cycles that we are part of. Today is a good day to reflect upon balance. That in the fluidity of life we have times where we are delicately poised in readiness for a shift in awareness. For the next season of the cycle.

In the northern hemisphere we begin autumn where we move into longer nights, a time of going within and reflecting upon our current footing in our journey. In the southern hemisphere spring begins with a budding sense of hope, growth and renewal.

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