Jupiter enters Taurus - May 16, 2023

Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system and in astrology and the birthchart represents the part of us that has big dreams, is good natured and with an innate faith in life has the ability to bounce back from life challenges. Jupiter always asks: How are you underestimating yourself?

The cycle of transiting Jupiter is 12 years, spending approximately 12-13 months in a sign. On May 10, 2022 Jupiter entered Aries where facing fears, finding courage, setting boundaries and taking action was Jupiter’s big picture. Now after a year of amplified growth fed by fiery initiative, on May 16, 2023 Jupiter moves into slow, steady and practical Taurus bringing us back into our bodies and in touch with our basic needs and creature comforts.

Now that Jupiter has entered Taurus we are all given a signal to calm down, re-center ourselves and pay attention to our instincts, our body wisdom; to revel in our senses. Jupiter is good natured, generous and loves a good time so indulge in experiences that you enjoy. Expressed through earthy Taurus, move your body, enjoy favorite foods, spend time in nature, lose yourself in art, beauty or music and get back in touch with being in the moment.  

Whatever house Jupiter moves through in a birthchart or makes contact with a planet or point, some level of expansion occurs. There is a greater percentage that things will turn out well, however, never assume or go too far with Jupiter for all that glitters is not gold. With that said, know that this is a time period to focus on and apply yourself to opportunities and growth of your resources including skills, wealth/health, possessions, love relationships and meaningful alliances.

Be careful of falling into over consumption or mere materialism, but trust that the realization of greater comfort and bringing some of your big dreams into tangible form for a more solid foundation of security and stability is being supported.

If you would like to know the house that transiting Jupiter in Taurus is affecting in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth, am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best) and city and state of birth. 

Be Well ~ Be Love 

Many Blessings, 
