New Moon in Gemini - June 6, 2024 8:38 AM, EDT

 Fully into Gemini season, the flow of life continues to pick up with an influx of ideas and choices where our attention is pulled in various directions. Increasing this lively energy is the inquisitive New Moon in Gemini rising in the sky. Like a breath of fresh air, this New Moon invites us to embark on an inner journey of heart based exploration; where information and communication energize and our yearning for new possibilities and adventures are open ended.

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Venus in Leo Stations Retrograde - July 22, 2023

Transiting Venus in Leo stations retrograde on July 22nd until September 3, 2023. At that time Venus will station direct at 12 degrees, 12 minutes of Leo, finishing out the transit through Leo on October 8, 2023.

When Venus stations retrograde, it is a time to go back over and reflect upon the area of life of the birthchart it has traveled through up to this point in time. The Goddess and planet of love, relaxation, restoration, personal appeal and aesthetics and the ways we make money are natural Venus pathways. Very much about personal connection and making relationships; Venus represents how, what and who we love.

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Mercury and Venus Retrograde - January 2022

Mercury stationed retrograde, January 14th at 10 degrees, 20 minutes of Aquarius where we are drawn to go back over certain areas of our lives and ourselves. In the sign of Aquarius, the question of authenticity is on the table. This retrograde gives us the opportunity to slow down and go over certain aspects of our lives to determine if we are on the correct path for ourselves. Take this time to question, to reflect and if needed revise your strategies and plans that feel more suited to who you are now and what you truly want to accomplish. Mercury retrograde can create snags, confusion and sometimes chaos, especially when technology is involved, so be more aware and intentional for this is one of the gifts we learn from a retrograde.

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New Moon in Pisces - March 13, 2021, 5:22 AM EST

Every month at the New Moon when one cycle ends and another begins, we are able to set intentions for our future. For a fresh start or a new idea, method or path that carries us forward. In the sign of Pisces, there is greater ease in stepping out of reality and into the vastness of our imagination, intuition and higher wisdom. This Moon is the perfect heartspace to turn your most inspired desires around love and life into visions for what comes next.

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