New Moon in Virgo - September 2, 2024, 9:55 PM, EDT

 After the playful vitality of Leo season, the Sun in Virgo’s commonsense energy carries us into September, helping us navigate any post-shadow glitches of Mercury’s recent retrograde with careful scrutiny. Adding to this season of practicality is the New Moon in Virgo, urging us to clean the slate and begin again; to refine our routines, bring order to chaos and see the magic in the mundane. It's a heartfelt call for self-improvement and selfless acts of service with competence, compassion and patience.

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New Moon in Virgo - September 14, 2023, 9:40 PM, EDT

Halfway through September with the Equinox approaching, we are inundated with retrograde planets, including Mercury which stations direct September 15, 2023. As we reflect and reconsider many facets of life, we are called deep within our heart to begin the process of starting fresh with a new perspective and plan revitalizing our happiness and personal satisfaction. As the Sun and Moon merge in earthy Virgo, a growing sense of discontent crystalizes. There is something within ourselves or our lives that we know could be better than it is and we now are ready to get to work and do something about it. 

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New Moon in Virgo - Saturday, August 27, 2022, 4:18 AM, EDT

With the sunny and self-expressive Leo season now over, cosmic energies are shifting and ready for a more practical, organized and purpose driven phase. As the Sun and Moon align in the sign of Virgo, the desire to start again and do something well, something useful, that makes a difference and truly matters is strong. With an attention to detail and a discerning heart set your sights on a personally worthy goal that will improve not only you and your life, but those around you.

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New Moon in Virgo - September 6, 2021, 8:53 PM, EDT

Now in Virgo season, the cosmic energy of earthy practicality takes hold where making improvements within ourselves and our lives becomes the focus. As we begin a new lunar cycle and the Moon and Sun meet in Virgo, divine discontent inspires us. There is something that we feel, that we know could be better than it is and now is the time to roll up our sleeves and get started.

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New Moon in Virgo - September 17, 2020, 7:01 AM, EDT

The New Moon. A new cycle of lunar energy that allows us to reset and start again. A process that keeps us evolving. As we continue to navigate and adjust within a changing world, the New Moon in Virgo inspires us to reach for the best of ourselves.

Virgo an earth sign symbolizes the Virgin, pure, free and sovereign. Pragmatic and pulled by perfection Virgo’s energy brings us into the moment where we evaluate what is and what could be. Looking at options, zoning in on details, Virgo is a natural in strategizing and formulating a plan all in the name of improvement that starts with the self and then flows out to others. With a natural orientation to health and the body, Virgo loves routines that create order and functionality in our life.

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