New Moon in Leo - August 16, 2023, 5:38 AM, EDT

During Leo season when the Sun aligns with its own sign, solar power rules and like the mighty lion whose presence is commanding, we are fired up to shine our light! Bringing in more of this Leo energy is the New Moon in Leo, where big emotions inspire us to reflect, and re-imagine how we see ourselves, how we show up and what we have to give. Awakening us, this New Moon asks that we embrace our potential for greater leadership, creativity and genuine self-expression. To envision an authentic fresh start where we feel stronger, more vital and alive!

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New Moon in Leo - August 8, 2021, 9:51 AM EDT

The life-giving power of the Sun is the signature of Leo Season and the upcoming New Moon. Our hearts are inspired to reset and start again by the majestic energy of Leo, calling us to express who we are in some area of life that needs our solar energy. As you plant your seeds for new beginnings trust that when you show up authentically and be yourself your light is the pathway for future growth and happiness.

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Full Moon in Aquarius - July 23, 2021, 10:38 PM EDT

As we begin Leo season with the first of two consecutive Aquarius Full Moons we are reminded that 2021 holds a strong Aquarian signature that began with the Great Conjunction of December 21, 2020 when Jupiter and Saturn merged just under the 1st degree of Aquarius. With this current Full Moon just over the 1st degree of Aquarius strong emotional realizations arise concerning our happiness, freedom, individuality and our collective human condition.

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