Venus in Leo Stations Retrograde - July 22, 2023

Transiting Venus in Leo stations retrograde on July 22nd until September 3, 2023. At that time Venus will station direct at 12 degrees, 12 minutes of Leo, finishing out the transit through Leo on October 8, 2023.

When Venus stations retrograde, it is a time to go back over and reflect upon the area of life of the birthchart it has traveled through up to this point in time. The Goddess and planet of love, relaxation, restoration, personal appeal and aesthetics and the ways we make money are natural Venus pathways. Very much about personal connection and making relationships; Venus represents how, what and who we love.

A fire sign, Leo’s fixed energy represents leadership, nobility, self-expression, playfulness and creativity. Leo has a naturally strong will to be genuine and put some aspect of themselves, often creative, out in the world for others to see. In taking that risk of personal expression, Leo needs to stand in their truth and trust that honest responses and appreciation will be reflected back. Ruled by the Sun, Leo is bright, dynamic and very self-focused. During this retrograde phase it will be important to not only shine your true light, but also highlight others as well. Especially in personal relationships which can thrive when all parties feel seen, valued and receive appreciation.

During this retrograde there can be a great deal of talk of breakups and changes in relationships. That certainly is a possibility, especially if a relationship has been headed that way or there is a lack of willingness to work together and find healthy healing or resolutions to major problems.

Equally if not more so is the potential to make adjustments or improvements not only in relationships but with personal style, creative self-expression and other skillsets that bring you joy, money and resources.

Also during Venus retrograde in particular, there can be people or circumstances from the past the resurface in our lives. Sometimes, there is more to work out or communicate with someone or something from the past that may need closure or possible re-connection. However, this is the time to take it all in with a careful review and sort out thoughts and feelings. Be wise and wait to make any decisions until Venus has stationed direct and you have more understanding of yourself and the situation.

Retrogrades are so often feared or thought of as a bad thing. It’s true that they can feel frustrating at times, but all retrogrades have a purpose and a gift if we work with them with intention and awareness. They are a time to slow down and go over where we’ve been, reflecting upon a certain area of life or circumstance to gain greater clarity. With this, we have the opportunity to make adjustments or shift our feelings or perspectives that supports re-alignment and improvements. So that when Venus stations direct in September, we are more ready to make final decisions and take action.   

Do your best to claim the gift and even enjoy this time. Remember this, with a retrograde, we are given time to gain greater self-awareness around how we have grown and what we desire and need at any given point in an ever evolving life.