New Moon in Virgo - September 14, 2023, 9:40 PM, EDT

Halfway through September with the Equinox approaching, we are inundated with retrograde planets, including Mercury which stations direct September 15, 2023. As we reflect and reconsider many facets of life, we are called deep within our heart to begin the process of starting fresh with a new perspective and plan revitalizing our happiness and personal satisfaction. As the Sun and Moon merge in earthy Virgo, a growing sense of discontent crystalizes. There is something within ourselves or our lives that we know could be better than it is and we now are ready to get to work and do something about it. 

Symbolized by The Virgin, The Maiden, Virgo is an image of purity not prudery or inexperience. With no attachments, wants or fears she is free and unbound by earthly drama. Seeking perfection and working on herself, she helps out when she can.

Ruled by Mercury, communication, perception and thought is down to earth and analytical in nature.  Detail oriented, seeing what is and what could be and striving for perfection, Virgo often becomes stuck in what is wrong, gives up or becomes excessively critical of self or others. Learning self-acceptance and self-love is the healing balm and key to self-esteem where releasing judgment for what is or is not accomplished is replaced by evaluating and measuring the focused effort on the process, throughout life. Virgo’s evolutionary drive is fueled for improvement in all aspects of life including personal health and wellness. However the holistic understanding of Virgo’s high expression requires the outward expression of service. Honing skills or gifts that make a valuable contribution in the world, to do work that matters.

Mercury in Virgo, currently retrograde, increases logic and the orderly processing of ideas, emotions and desires. A time of reflection, listen well, share your feelings and seek solutions but wait until after the post-shadow on September 30th for any significant commitment or actions.

Neptune, Pluto, Uranus and Jupiter all retrograde, slows the New Moon process, calling us to review and understand where we have been so we can know how and where to move forward more effectively.

Opposing the Moon is Neptune in Pisces where intuition, creativity and conscious intention work in tandem with the practical nature of this Moon to bring dreams into reality.

In a trine with the Moon is Pluto in Capricorn reminding us to use integrity and be disciplined to our responsibilities and most meaningful goals.

Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus add support, increasing the potential for unexpected growth opportunities, shifts in resources or possibly a change of heart. Remain optimistic and maintain your individuality to build greater stability that aligns with your new vision for your life.

During this lunar phase use discernment as you consider what comes next. Go back over certain aspects of your life due to the many retrograde planets including Chiron. Focus on what feels right for you and beware of getting stuck in the details. Analyze, strategize and organize.

Work with the magic of this New Moon in Virgo to carefully craft intentions for a new chapter of life. Where assessing what is and what needs an upgrade inspires you to develop a well thought out plan of action that you devote yourself to. That you do the work, become more skilled, more confident and ready to show up and make a difference. Nourish your heart, soul and future with a sense of practical passionate purpose; doing something really well that matters to you, to others and brings value to the world around you. 

If you are interested in knowing where the New Moon in Virgo occurs in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth, am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best) and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love 

Many Blessings, 
