Pluto retrograde re-enters Capricorn - June 10, 2023

On June 10, 2023 Pluto retrograde in Aquarius will move back into the last degrees of Capricorn until October 10, 2023 when Pluto stations direct in Capricorn. This retrograde is the first of two retrograde phases where Pluto will hang out going back and forth over the Capricorn, Aquarius cusp before fully moving into Aquarius which will be on November 19, 2024.

Since Pluto’s momentous entry into Aquarius on March 23rd, we have felt a powerful pull to deep shadow work around our individuality and the authenticity of our lives. However, on May 1, 2023, Pluto made its first station retrograde in Aquarius. This brief first foray into Aquarius didn’t give us the time to gain much momentum and significantly experience the effects of this transition into Aquarius. With this retrograde re-entry in Capricorn, the Cosmos is showing us we aren’t done with Pluto in Capricorn and we need to have a serious and honest review and re-evaluation of how well or not so well we’ve grown and healed through the expression and lessons of Capricorn.

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