Jupiter in Taurus stations retrograde - September 4, 2023

Another retrograde is upon us! Jupiter, in the sign of Taurus, stations retrograde September 4, 2023 adding to the long list of retrograde planets. Good natured Jupiter, is the planet, of big dreams, optimism, and faith in life itself. The planet that asks us to look at how we underestimate ourselves, and with that get in touch with our big dreams, and to believe they are possible. 

In the sign of Taurus, growth that enhances our relationships and our resources is the focus including the ways, we make money, and find overall stability. Also, as Taurus is the first earth sign our senses, living through the body, paying attention to the wisdom within, to our natural instincts. 

Now, retrograde, Jupiter asked us to slow down going out and expanding into the world and while retrograde to look at the ways that we have grown, and do some deep reflection and review on our motivations and what we truly would like to achieve, in terms of inner and outer security.

 During this reflective phase pay attention to what appeals to you and become clear on your belief systems, what feeds your faith in life. Also, looking at your plans and possibly ways you have over extended yourself, and what is working and what isn't. 

Spend some focused time on revising and re-strategizing for when Jupiter stations direct December 30, 2023, right after the long phase of going back over where we have been and are ready to move forward once more. 

All of this right after Venus in Leo stationed direct giving the go ahead around certain aspects of life, relationships, and resources. However, with Mercury still retrograde in the sign of Virgo it can be wiser if possible to wait until Mercury stations direct September 15th. Use your discernment. 

If you are interested in knowing where Jupiter in Taurus stations retrograde in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth, am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best) and city and state of birth. 

Be Well ~ Be Love 

Many Blessings, 
