New Moon in Aries - March 21, 2023, 1:24 PM, EDT

As we release the extrasensory and dreamy season of Pisces with the March Equinox, that point of balance between night and day, dark and light, a cosmic shift wakes us up as the Sun enters Aries, the first fiery season of a new astrological year. Like the symbolic Ram, horns down, ready to charge, the very next day we are given a super jump start with the New Moon at 00 degrees. 51 minutes of Aries activating us to fearlessly reset, recharge and begin again.

Sitting close to the Moon is Mercury in Aries activating thoughts and communication with a quickness that can initiate meaningful conversations, ambitious goals, swift planning or standing your ground if needed. Do be aware though, this aspect may also fan the fires of impulsiveness and ire, leading to costly mistakes, hurt feelings and words you wish you could take back.

Chiron and Jupiter both in Aries fills out this stellium of dynamic expression increasing the powerful potential for healing, growth and good fortune of this lunar phase.

Neptune in Pisces close to the Sun offers inner guidance and divine inspiration to the passionate nature of this lunar phase. What is your intuition showing you and what do you feel drawn to? Pay attention to dreams and quiet meditation where visions can arise helping to form intentions for this auspicious Moon phase of new beginnings. 

Lastly, Pluto in the last degree of Capricorn sextiles the Moon and Mars in the last degrees of Gemini squares the Moon in out of sign aspects. Pluto’s powerful message is to bring integrity and a meaningful sense of purpose to our intentions and goals and Mars motivates us to remain curious, adaptable with an open mind in word and actions.

During this highly spirited New Moon phase there are impactful planetary shifts in the background to keep in mind. Starting with Saturn, the planet of self-discipline, reality and responsibility now in Pisces since March 7, 2023 the karmic assignment is to diligently work on compassion, creativity and spiritual realms as well as using caution around patterns of escapism.

With Pluto entering Aquarius on March 23, 2023 we begin a long and slow cycle of dramatic and transformative changes in many aspects of life including deeply held societal mores. There will be groundbreaking innovations over many years in technology that we can’t even imagine yet.

With these monumental developments we have to keep our intuitive and sensitive side strong. We have to remember who we really are; we are humankind, beings of light, connected by more than the tech world, our phones and social media. We are connected through our shared personal experiences as well as our individual energy fields that are part of something more vast, we each are part of all that is.

Also in the background is Mars in Gemini, ready to shift its active energy into nurturing, empathetic Cancer on March 25, 2023. After 7 months of Mars in Gemini mobilizing us to open our minds to more information, communication, and many day to day revisions, big to small we have become more adaptable which is necessary to thrive in a changing world. Take some time to examine the ways you’re your courage has grown and your thoughts and circumstances have evolved. Now, Mars entering the sign of Cancer, it’s time for resting in our nest, where loving care of ourselves and others keeps our heart open to life.  

During this lunar phase ask yourself; where and how will courage and decisiveness serve me best? What are the ways I wish to grow and thrive? What within me needs attention to healing? How do I see myself now and would like to see myself over time? Allow for quiet reflection to discover insights and direction. 

As you begin this cosmic New Year, be your own hero. Name your fears with the intention of healing, release what holds you back, and valiantly reset, rejuvenate and recreate your optimal vision for your future. Take a chance on yourself to pursue your dreams and visions of something greater within yourself and current circumstances. Now is the time to fiercely go for what fills your heart and soul with fire and life!

If you are interested in knowing where the New Moon in Aries occurs in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth, am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best) and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love 

Many Blessings, 
