New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries - April 20, 2023, 12:12 AM, EDT

Aries season 2023 began with a fiery New Moon at 00 degrees, 50 minutes of Aries that activated a powerful desire for new beginnings. Now as we close Aries season, we are given a second and more intense signal with the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries at 29 degrees, 50 minutes. With a brave heart fed by hope and a sense of higher destiny, this New Moon Eclipse delivers a super charged thrust to be decisive, confident and the bold architect of our lives.

Eclipses are created when New or Full Moon phases occur near the nodal axis, activating karmic and evolutionary potential for soul growth. Ushering in change that can occur up to 3-6 months, eclipses play a dynamic role in the movement of life, individually and collectively.  This first eclipse of 2023 is a rare hybrid solar eclipse that creates the beautiful and dramatic “ring of fire” and will be seen in parts of Australia, Asia and the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

The ruler of this lunar phase is Mars, now in Cancer; the impassioned defender of self and loved ones that carefully opens to life. The Moon in Aries, naturally brave creates a mutual reception with Mars where shared sensitivity and courage between these two planets is supported. Remember that vulnerability is a strength that requires revealing your feelings and what you need.

Adding to this phase is Jupiter in Aries conjunct the Moon instilling an abundance of trust in our ability to grow and thrive. Chiron, the “wounded healer” in Aries and close to Jupiter inspires us to face painful truths or unresolved hurts to facilitate healing. The North Node in Taurus conjunct the Moon provides down to earth loving guidance that steadies the volatility of this eclipse. This call to cultivate inner calm as we face the storminess of life leads us toward peace and stability for our highest soul growth.

Creating a compelling out of sign square with this solar eclipse is Pluto in Aquarius where facing fears, making decisions and struggles within or with others can overwhelm you. Use your personal power with wisdom and integrity for right action in claiming a more evolved level of authenticity. 

Minutes after the exact New Moon conjunction, the Moon enters Taurus and a few hours later the Sun will follow. This shift to earth energy offers some grounding but won’t lessen the impact or meaning of this New Moon Eclipse, especially for fire signs. As the actual eclipse will be active after the Moon enters Taurus, those with strong Taurus energy can also experience some intense feelings.

The next day, April 21st, Mercury in Taurus stations retrograde until May 14th. This signals us to pause and slowdown in mindful reflection on our feelings, thoughts and any changing circumstances after the New Moon Eclipse. Quieting our minds, our focus turns to love, skills, confidence building and finances where we can redefine or restructure these areas of life that need attention.

This is a good time to get back in touch with your body, your senses and nature. Overall, to what and who appeals to you, brings you comfort and a sense of security. As always, technology and forms of communication can slow down or stall. Sort things out, tie up loose ends and back up everything twice, and if possible wait to make major decisions or sign contracts. Always remember, that as challenging as Mercury retrograde can be, it is also a gift that causes us to pay closer attention to ourselves and our lives, so that we can make appropriate adjustment or changes. And always, remember to breathe…

With this New Moon Solar Eclipse, the spirit of Aries is highly accelerated at the critical 29th degree. The warrior and hero are merging and intensifying ready for a challenge. Fearlessness, passionate initiative, wisdom and inspired vision are needed to set forth on this new chapter of life.

This lunar event activates a cosmic portal for a breakthrough in consciousness where insights and feelings are revealed and reset within you, elevating you to a more advanced understanding of yourself and your future. The time is now. This New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries clears the way for a heartfelt leap from what was and who you were to what can be and who you can become.

If you are interested in knowing where the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries occurs in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth, am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best) and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love 

Many Blessings, 
