Super Full Moon in Pisces - August 30, 2023, 9:35 PM, EDT

During this active Virgo season overflowing with retrograde energies, we wrap up August with the second Super Full Moon of the month, referred to as a Blue Moon. Also the biggest and brightest Super Full Moon in 2023, Luna’s radiant glow will light up the night sky in the mystical sign of Pisces where the veil between the spiritual realm and the material world thins.  Increasing intuition and psychic impressions that guide us to dive into our inner world, this Super Moon asks we embrace the cosmic dance between reason and instinct.

Forming this celestial opposition is the Moon in Pisces, gentle, romantic, creative and compassionate; spiritually oriented with strong psychic gifts and the Sun in Virgo, analytical, practical and focused on making improvements in all aspects of life including health related.

Co-ruled by Neptune in Pisces and Jupiter in Taurus, this Moon carries a mystical and calm optimism that finds emotional grounding from Saturn’s strong presence. Saturn in Pisces just two days into its retrograde sits close to the Full Moon, adding a serious tone and necessary review of past efforts to this intense yet dreamy lunar phase. This aspect also indicates the need for solitude and introspection as well as honest conversation with yourself or someone close. During this Moon phase, Saturn’s presence signifies that you are weary of repeating old and limiting behavior patterns and feel strong enough to make more evolved, responsible choices.

The cosmic background is thick with retrograde planets where the basic rule is reflect, review and revise as much as possible until the retrograde phase is over to commit or take action. With Uranus in Taurus retrograde conjunct Jupiter in Taurus, unexpected, sometimes startling changes and opportunities can appear.

Mercury in Virgo and Venus in Leo, both retrograde, slows down communication and information, causing general confusion and misunderstanding between people. Take time to carefully review data and plans in detail as well as what or who appeals to you before deciding which opportunities or relationships support you authentically.

This Moon calls for discipline to our emotional health and happiness nourished from our spiritual and creative practices while also attending to our practical needs and responsibilities. Pay attention to your dreams and synchronicities for they can hold meaningful insights for you. Follow up or complete what is in progress and with a sober eye face up to any patterns of escapism, apathy or illusion that aren’t serving you or your life. When you release what undermines you and replace it with authentic life affirming choices you strengthen your inner authority and increase your personal wellbeing. 

Under the powerful glow and magic of this Super Full Moon in Pisces, tender emotions overflow as our perspective expands, helping us remember who we truly are, what we are capable of and what we need to be happy. Trust and lean into the divine guidance of this Super Moon in Pisces where personal desire dreams up inspired visions and sustained effort forms the reality of our lives. 

If you are interested in knowing where the Super Full Moon in Pisces occurs in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth, am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best) and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love 

Many Blessings, 
