New Moon in Cancer - July 17, 2023, 2:32 PM, EDT

As we near the end of Cancer season, the Sun and Moon merge, drawing us inward where tender feelings and deeply hidden longings swim. Aligning with the sensitive energy of this New Moon in Cancer, intuition intensifies and calls us to open our heart to the wisdom within that urges us to embrace more of life. To pay attention to our inner world, rich with imagination and initiative and begin to give form to a new set of intentions that requires us to bare our soul a bit more than we are used to.

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NEW MOON IN CANCER - July 20, 2020, 1:34PM, EDT

With three eclipses behind us that included a New Moon in Cancer in June, now in July we have a second New Moon at 28 degrees, 27 minutes of Cancer. Called a double New Moon we all have the chance to work once again with this strong lunar energy as we begin a new cycle of setting intentions and creating the next step in our lives.

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