Saturn enters Pisces - March 7, 2023

On March 7, 2023 transiting Saturn left the sign of Aquarius and entered Pisces until February 13, 2026. Saturn is the teacher with a strict demeanor and heavy load of homework. Misunderstood, Saturn is not bad, Saturn is hard as it requires the best of us by providing serious motivation to do what we often don’t feel like doing.

Saturn’s core value is self-discipline that also asks for responsible, persistent effort. There is a saying that Saturn will give us the cosmic paycheck we earned, that there are consequences to what we do or don’t do. We each are responsible for our choices and actions and with concerted application and sustained effort, greater maturity, dignity and wisdom can result.

Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac is a water sign and ruled by Neptune, magnifying the intuitive, creative, compassionate and mystical nature of the sign of the fishes. With such an wide open energy field and strong psychic capacity, Pisces has a natural awareness of realms beyond the physical that naturally seeks higher consciousness.

Saturn expressing through the sensitive and expansive principles of Pisces can feel difficult, yet can inspire us to be more serious and focused on our spiritual and creative endeavors with greater structure and discipline to bring them into actual form, function and reality.

As Saturn moves through Pisces issues related to addiction, escapism, self-sabotage and delusion can arise with greater clarity. Although, this can feel difficult Saturn’s strength and authoritative nature can help to confront and overcome these self-defeating tendencies through greater self-awareness, determination and discipline.

Bringing a clear eye to the gravity of greater compassion and connection, especially at this time in history, Saturn calls us to persevere in a world that can numb us through the ongoing and often unsettling changes, major collective environmental issues and devastating life changing conflicts so many face each day. 

This is the time to diligently work at keeping our intuitive and sensitive side strong and applying it where we feel called to. To remember that we are humankind, part of a vast energy field far greater than ourselves and connected through our shared personal experiences and the world around us.

Overall, with Saturn entering the sign of Pisces, our “great work” will require us individually and collectively to face the reality of our challenges and determine what is achievable and what isn’t. With serious attention to spiritual growth and fortitude, Saturn in Pisces gives us focus and commitment to creative manifestation, turning divine inspiration and vision into something solid and lasting that will make a meaningful difference for our lives and our planetary home, Mother Earth.