Super Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio - April 16, 2022, 12:14 AM, EDT

Taurus season has brought quite a few significant cosmic changes but we’re not done yet! The second eclipse of 2022 will highlight the final days of the season of the Bull with a Super Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. Under the potent pull of this Lunar Eclipse our heartfelt focus is drawn deep within our core where emotional truths rise to the surface for honest examination.

Scorpio, ruled by Pluto is intense, deep and private; passionate full on feeling, especially when expressed through the Moon. With a natural filter for the taboo and a laser like focus for the unvarnished truth, Scorpio can lose perspective in the labyrinth and depths of human feelings and experience.

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New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus - April 30, 2022 4:28 PM EDT

Fully in Taurus season, the cosmic pace slows down calling us to establish what we set in motion during the last New Moon phase in needed preparation for the upcoming eclipse season. As this month winds down be ready for the first eclipse of 2022, the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 30th. A cosmic awakening of inner shifts and outer changes begin to unfold, activating what we need for continued happiness and re-aligning our vision of security and resources, personally and collectively.

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Full Moon in Libra - April 16, 2022, 2:56 PM, EDT

Deep into Aries season that continues to drive our recent New Moon intentions, the first Full Moon of the astrological new year, the Moon in Libra rises, creating an awareness of the importance in working towards and finding the appropriate balance between independence and inter-dependence. Between boldly claiming what you need with consideration for the feelings and needs of others.

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New Moon in Aries, April 1, 2022, 2:25 AM, EDT

Aries season picks up the pace as we begin April with the first New Moon of the astrological New Year. Aries the first fire sign is life force, where the will to exist pushes, creating something out of the void; which reflects the potency and meaning of the first lunar phase. A time of recharge and renewal, this New Moon in Aries is fueled with an emotional quickness that requires decisiveness and courage in contemplating bold new beginnings.

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Vernal Equinox - March 20, 2022, 11:34 AM, EDT

Today is the Vernal Equinox, the first day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and the first day of autumn in the Southern Hemisphere where day and night, light and dark are of equal length. With the Sun entering the fire sign of Aries today, we begin another astrological New Year with a cosmic energy of renewal and passion that activates our inner warrior.

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New Moon in Pisces - March 2, 2022, 12:36 PM EST

We are now in Pisces season and the last sign of the zodiac in the astrological year. Symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions while connected, Pisces dual nature flows between the spiritual and physical realms with a natural sense of higher consciousness and connection.

As the Sun and Moon conjoin in the New Moon in Pisces we are called to release limitations and expand our consciousness, to turn inward, dreaming the dream, feeling, exploring and imagining greater possibilities and unique visions that reflect our needs and desires for future happiness.

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Full Moon in Leo - February 16, 2022, 11:58 AM EST

Nearing the end of Aquarius season the Moon will rise beaming her bright regal light in the sign of Leo. Symbolized by the mighty Lion, this fiery Moon heats things up with a depth of emotion that compels us to own our feelings and share what needs to be expressed, fearlessly, sincerely and lovingly.

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New Moon in Aquarius - February 1, 2022, 12:46 AM EST

As January ends and February begins the Sun and Moon conjoin forming the New Moon in Aquarius. With an outsider’s perspective, Aquarius is the innovator, the truth seeker, the boundary breaking air sign that sets the tone for an emotional inventory concerning our individuality and the state of our happiness and wellbeing. This deep internal lunar phase is a fertile time of imagination, desire and intuition; the budding of inner knowing that moves us to make adjustments or start anew, keeping us on our authentic path where we align our inner essence with our outer circumstances.

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Uranus in Taurus Stations Direct - January 18, 2022

Uranus the Great Awakener, the planet of change, individuality, and profound shifts in consciousness has been retrograde since August 19, 2021, where for the past 5 months many of the dramatic changes that had previously occurred slowed down a bit giving us all a chance to understand and incorporate these shifts within ourselves and our lives. We’ve had a chance to reflect upon how these changes have affected our outlook and reliance on basic resources; our skills, money and relationships.

Now after this 5 month retrograde, Uranus stations direct on January 18, 2022 so do expect the pace to pick up with shifts and sometimes dramatic changes collectively and individually. Much of what we’ve learned and worked on the past 5 months will begin to unfold giving us the chance to determine if our efforts were effective or if there needs to be greater attention or adjustments still made. The next day on January 19th, the Sun will move into the sign of Aquarius, shining the light of the revolutionary and the genius and underlining the energy of Uranus, the planet that wakes us up.

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Full Moon in Cancer - January 17, 2022

What do you need to not only be ok, but to feel nurtured?

As Capricorn season winds down we begin to catch our collective breath and may find our New Year resolutions and ambitions to succeed in our professional world has put strain on our personal life and happiness. Providing profound illumination is the Full Moon in Cancer, where needs concerning home, health, comfort and family increase and rise to the surface of our heart and soul.

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Mercury and Venus Retrograde - January 2022

Mercury stationed retrograde, January 14th at 10 degrees, 20 minutes of Aquarius where we are drawn to go back over certain areas of our lives and ourselves. In the sign of Aquarius, the question of authenticity is on the table. This retrograde gives us the opportunity to slow down and go over certain aspects of our lives to determine if we are on the correct path for ourselves. Take this time to question, to reflect and if needed revise your strategies and plans that feel more suited to who you are now and what you truly want to accomplish. Mercury retrograde can create snags, confusion and sometimes chaos, especially when technology is involved, so be more aware and intentional for this is one of the gifts we learn from a retrograde.

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New Moon in Capricorn - January 2, 2022, 1:35 PM EDT

Here we are once again in Capricorn season, steady and serious, wrapping up this year as we ready ourselves to welcome in 2022 that begins with a New Moon in Capricorn. Nurturing the seeds of our personal aspirations for success, emotional well-being and happiness, this lunar phase of new beginnings compels us to embrace what we know in our hearts we need to do, and then with self-discipline and wisdom, commit to our intentions for our future.

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Full Moon in Gemini - December 18, 2021 11:36 PM, EST

As we approach the Solstice and the end of Sagittarius season, the last Full Moon of 2021 rises high and bright in the night sky in the sign of Gemini where communication is on the table and keeping an open heart and mind is called for. Trust that with Gemini energy coming to a peak, one thought, one feeling or one conversation can lead to another, and many times, the best idea or emotional conclusion is the one that is just waiting to be discovered. So allow thoughts, feelings and heart to heart conversations to flow.

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New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius - December 4, 2021 2:45 AM, EDT

As we enter December in Sagittarius season, the last New Moon and the final eclipse of 2021 will occur. In the sign of the Archer, this upcoming New Moon Solar Eclipse is also the last eclipse in the Gemini/Sagittarius series that began June 2020.

This extra potent New Moon calls us to open to more of life experiences and boldly create from our heart. To consciously and actively participate in the process of setting our intentions for new desires, avenues of growth and life paths that continue to feed our faith in life.

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Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus - November 19, 2021

Changes are brewing as we near the end of Scorpio season with a Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. Eclipses are cyclical, compelling lunar events that activate the nodes of the Moon. Starting with this eclipse on the 19th, a new series of eclipses along the Taurus/Scorpio axis begins, accelerating changes over the next 6 months that will affect our sense of stability and security around resources and relationships

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New Moon in Scorpio - November 4, 2021, 5:15PM, EDT

Scorpio season is serious business; spooky, sexy, mysterious and magical, a time we naturally turn inward and intense feelings pull us below the surface searching for our truth. This powerful process is active during the New Moon in Scorpio that compels us to dive into deep waters and discover something hidden that needs to be pulled out of the shadows as we consider what comes next.

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Equinox and Mercury in Libra - September 22, 2021

When the Sun enters the sign of Libra on the Equinox, the light of day and night is balanced and signals the change of seasons; the beginning of autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and spring in the Southern Hemisphere.

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Full Moon in Pisces - September 20, 2021, 7:55 PM, EDT

In the final days of Virgo as we sense the shifting of the light and of the seasons and we anticipate the upcoming Equinox, the Moon rises luminous in the sign of Pisces, expanding our inner world and opening our heart where compassion, creativity and connection abounds.

Pisces is the mutable water sign that seeks self-transcendence. Compassionate, creative and gentle with strong psychic gifts, Pisces can also fall into patterns of escapism, apathy and seeing life through rose colored glasses, blurring the lines between reality and fantasy.

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