Full Moon in Cancer - January 17, 2022

What do you need to not only be ok, but to feel nurtured?

As Capricorn season winds down we begin to catch our collective breath and may find our New Year resolutions and ambitions to succeed in our professional world has put strain on our personal life and happiness. Providing profound illumination is the Full Moon in Cancer, where needs concerning home, health, comfort and family increase and rise to the surface of our heart and soul.

The Full Moon is the lunar phase where the Moon reaches its highest peak of light while in exact opposition by sign and degree to the Sun. A time where feelings grow and peak, bringing personal realizations and often the need for some type of cleansing or release.

This Full Moon opposition between the Moon in Cancer and the Sun in Capricorn, creates a tense awareness between our private world and public world; home vs career. Cancer is nurturing, emotional, and empathetic; easily becoming invisible in the caring for others. Capricorn is the provider; practical, serious and determined. Both signs feel a responsibility to others and can lose touch with authentic personal needs. Oppositions require integration of both sides to claim balance in the middle.

Increasing the magnitude of this Full Moon is Pluto in Capricorn sitting close to the Sun and opposing the Moon. This addition of Pluto to the Full Moon opposition creates a moody intensity due to Pluto’s action of digging up and showing us necessary and often hard truths. Feeling uncomfortable and possibly extra self-protective or defensive, we are faced with our shadow in how we are handling our personal power, responsibilities and commitments within all aspects of our lives.

Adding complexity to this highly sensitive and powerful Full Moon opposition are aspects to the Nodal Axis and Neptune in Pisces that are supportive and stimulating.

Triggering the South Node in Scorpio, old unresolved issues and wounds re-surface and may be unconsciously repeated, however in facing the truth of old patterns with raw honesty and conscious decisions, healing can begin.

Opening to the North Node energy in Taurus, in the midst of a world still dealing with life altering challenges we can choose to slow down and steady ourselves. We can chose to cultivate inner calm, simplicity, ease and grace while listening to the calls and needs of our body.

Lastly, Neptune’s tender influence brings support to this lunar phase through spiritual energies and practices. Engage with meditation, intuition, imagination, and creativity that inspires the expression of your feelings and needs.  

Embrace this Full Moon energy to soften and open your heart to your needs that support happiness and wholeness. As feelings intensify, heart felt conversations with trusted soul mates that hold space for vulnerability and emotional release can be healing and cathartic.

With both Mercury and Venus retrograde take time over the next two weeks to reflect upon your desires and what best supports the various aspects of life, work and relationships in a more balanced and successful way. Include self-care practices and asking for help when you need it.

This Full Moon illuminates two basic human needs and areas of life that can easily and quite often fall out of balance. The gift of this lunar phase is that it helps us to realize that our inner life (Moon) and our outer life (Sun) are both needed and actually nurture and sustain each other with the right intention and attention. That when we include honesty, empathy, respect and love, we can create our own personal version of the best of both worlds.

If you are interested in knowing where this Full Moon in Cancer falls in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best), and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love

Many Blessings,
