Full Moon in Libra - April 16, 2022, 2:56 PM, EDT

Deep into Aries season that continues to drive our recent New Moon intentions, the first Full Moon of the astrological new year, the Moon in Libra rises, creating an awareness of the importance in working towards and finding the appropriate balance between independence and inter-dependence. Between boldly claiming what you need with consideration for the feelings and needs of others.

Libra, the cardinal air sign is the initiator that seeks peace through experiences of grace, beauty, and balance. With a natural orientation to the thoughts, feelings, and intentions of others, partnerships of all kinds are highlighted. Opposite is Aries, the cardinal fire sign, the initiator that is passionate and assertive, learning about various avenues of conflict as well as the consequences. Wrestling with fears, Aries seeks and find courage.

Libra, ruled by Venus is now in the mystical, unbound water sign of Pisces where dreamy possibilities in love and creativity flow, bringing support to Mercury and Uranus in Taurus. This stimulating aspect inspires calm and compassionate discussions with a willingness to consider innovative solutions to changing circumstances and resources, which is important with eclipse season beginning on April 30th.

The Moon in a difficult T-square with Pluto in Capricorn can throw things out of balance, creating issues around the use of personal power as you interact with others. Be self-aware as Pluto is the planet of transformation; it’s action is to dig deep and stir up the shadow and in Capricorn reveals anything that lacks discipline, commitment and integrity.

In the background, is the extraordinary conjunction (exact on April 12th) between Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces, the sign these two planets co-rule. This once in our lifetime cosmic event of 2022, brings a vast ocean of loving optimism and mystical energy, offering us a highly potent opportunity to re-align our outer life with our inner life and soul growth. Releasing in compassion what no longer feeds our connection to Source, we are able to claim something within us or our lives that supports and serves our spiritual evolution, individually and for humankind.

This Libra Moon energy will bring up personal issues in relationships, along with opportunities to address them. With the Libra/Aries opposition pay attention to how you set boundaries and assert yourself. Consider where you may give up too much of yourself to please a partner or loved one or avoid conflict at any cost. Under the light of this Moon, our relationships are held to scrutiny so that we can determine what needs release and ways we can improve our connection with significant others.

Work with this Full Moon Libra energy to establish more solid footing; within yourself, your relationships and your life. And with honest heartfelt conversation and cooperation create more beauty, balance, joy, love and peace that starts within and radiates out into the world.  

If you are interested in knowing where this Full Moon in Libra falls in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best), and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love

Many Blessings,
