Photo by Yu Kato on Unsplash
Taurus season has brought quite a few significant cosmic changes but we’re not done yet! The second eclipse of 2022 will highlight the final days of the season of the Bull with a Super Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. Under the potent pull of this Lunar Eclipse our heartfelt focus is drawn deep within our core where emotional truths rise to the surface for honest examination.
Scorpio, ruled by Pluto is intense, deep and private; passionate full on feeling, especially when expressed through the Moon. With a natural filter for the taboo and a laser like focus for the unvarnished truth, Scorpio can lose perspective in the labyrinth and depths of human feelings and experience.
In opposition, the Sun in Taurus has an aversion to drama and strives for serenity and security through stable resources including relationships. Two fixed signs that prefer consistency to change form this eclipse phase that will bring inner and outer shifts and release, especially as Uranus in Taurus is along for the ride.
Saturn in Aquarius challenges the Moon with the importance of inner strength and personal integrity when diving deep into your feelings and sharing with others. Even though it may feel difficult to maintain your true self, continued effort and commitment is necessary if you are to live authentically and for events and circumstances to unfold naturally.
Adding nuance to Saturn’s influence is Uranus in Taurus, loosely conjunct the Sun and opposing the Moon. The planet of individuality, Uranus brings change and a growing awareness that our basic ideas of security will continue to evolve and innovate, requiring our ability to adapt if we are to re-stabilize and move forward.
In harmony with the Moon is Mars and Neptune in Pisces and Jupiter in Aries. Passionate optimism, intuition and tenderheartedness abound and provide grace to this intense lunar phase. However, there is also the potential that Neptune’s influence can cloud your ability to see things and people clearly and with Mars as the boundary setter, beware of passive aggressive behavior or defending patterns of self-delusion or escapism.
Mercury retrograde in Gemini encourages active reflection and communication which helps to keep the conversation flowing. Hold space and listen with an open mind as personal intimate breakthroughs and sharing is possible. Remember, that Gemini can be impulsive, so as much as possible hold off on making any decisions or actions until Mercury stations direct on June 3rd and there has been time to take in some of the emotional shifts
During this lunar phase passions run deep intensifying emotions and intimate connections in particular. Unexpected secrets will be revealed, truths will be told and shifts in perspectives will open up. With the South Node in Scorpio conjunct this Lunar Eclipse there is something that holds us back and requires release for healing.
As we deal with Scorpio’s deep, complex and potentially life changing emotions, it’s important that we work with the energy of Taurus. That as we intentionally delve into our dark side and face what is there, that we balance this cathartic shadow work with a focus on the calm and grounded energies that Taurus offers.
As the light of this Moon dims, a cosmic shift occurs within; a reset in preparation for necessary changes that we may not fully understand or even want at first, but ultimately helps to move us in the direction of our highest potential.
If you are interested in knowing where this Super Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio falls in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best) and city and state of birth.
Be Well ~ Be Love
Many Blessings,