Full Moon in Pisces - Saturday, September 10, 2022, 5:59 AM, EDT

The solar season of Virgo calls us to take stock of ourselves, our lives and with discernment pay attention to the details, think strategically and make a plan that strives for improvement. In perfect cosmic counterbalance, the Full Moon in Pisces floods our heart and soul with tender emotions that awaken us to a sea of compassion, creative possibilities and greater spiritual awareness.

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Full Moon in Pisces - September 20, 2021, 7:55 PM, EDT

In the final days of Virgo as we sense the shifting of the light and of the seasons and we anticipate the upcoming Equinox, the Moon rises luminous in the sign of Pisces, expanding our inner world and opening our heart where compassion, creativity and connection abounds.

Pisces is the mutable water sign that seeks self-transcendence. Compassionate, creative and gentle with strong psychic gifts, Pisces can also fall into patterns of escapism, apathy and seeing life through rose colored glasses, blurring the lines between reality and fantasy.

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Full Moon in Pisces - September 2, 2020, 1:23 AM, EDT

August is over and we just entered Virgo season. Nature is in her process of shifting gears to get things in order in preparation of the Equinox and the coming fall. We too, are affected by the fluidity of the natural world and as the Moon rises bright and beautiful in the sign of Pisces, tenderheartedness expands, spilling over our edges.

Pisces, a water sign is compassionate, romantic, a dreamer fueled by fantasy, with a natural orientation to spirituality as well as psychic potential. Pisces energy seeks higher consciousness. Opposite the Full Moon in Pisces is the Sun in Virgo, an earth sign constantly pulled to reach for perfection and be of service. Analytical and very capable of excellence, Virgo has a love of offering to others something personally meaningful done extremely well.

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