New Moon in Pisces - March 2, 2022, 12:36 PM EST

Photo - Benjamin Voros

We are now in Pisces season and the last sign of the zodiac in the astrological year. Symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions while connected, Pisces dual nature flows between the spiritual and physical realms with a natural sense of higher consciousness and connection. 

As the Sun and Moon conjoin in the New Moon in Pisces we are called to release limitations and expand our consciousness, to turn inward, dreaming the dream, feeling, exploring and imagining greater possibilities and unique visions that reflect our needs and desires for future happiness.

Increasing the sensitivity, optimism and overall opportunity of this lunar phase are Jupiter and Neptune co-rulers of Pisces and both currently in the sign of Pisces. With generous Jupiter so close to the Moon and Neptune not far behind we are awash in a sea of dreamy, compassionate, intuitive energy that can either inspire our heart or overwhelm and dissipate our deepest desires and intentions through confusion, illusion or apathy.

Adding a lively charge to this gentle Moon is Uranus in Taurus stirring up exciting possibilities for new or unusual avenues of resources, stability or future endeavors that may shift previous held plans.

A notable aspect in the planetary background is the exact fusion of Pluto, Mars and Venus in Capricorn presenting a powerful and committed display of love, passion and courage, enduring and stable. Neptune in Pisces forming a stimulating sextile to these three planets provides compassionate support and divine guidance, rounding out Capricorns down to earth logical approach.

During this Moon, listen to the whispers of your Soul. This is a fertile time for creativity, positive new beginnings and tender heart connections. Find some quiet time to let go of the outward circumstances of life and engage with your inner world.  Journal, meditate and pay attention to your intuition or sudden “knowings” as well as your dreams; day and night. 

Delve into and play within the well of your imagination, where desired growth and fantasy inspires and feeds your vision. Like the rushing of the waves that leave a smooth untouched beach, this Moon asks us to surrender, let go and start fresh.

The Moon is our heart. It is our sacred center of radiance and inner knowing and when in the sign of Pisces, our individual and collective openness is boundless and our inter-connectedness profound. Can we envision and appreciate that in the midst of our differences, how truly similar we are and that as we deal with changes, uncertainty and serious challenges that we are all in this together?  That what affects each of us, in turn affects the whole? 

With overflowing compassion Luna calls us deep within to cultivate greater hope, love and shared humanity as we dream a new vision not only for our personal future happiness and well-being, but for our world.

If you are interested in knowing where this New Moon in Pisces falls in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best), and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love
