Full Moon in Gemini - December 18, 2021 11:36 PM, EST

As we approach the Solstice and the end of Sagittarius season, the last Full Moon of 2021 rises high and bright in the night sky in the sign of Gemini where communication is on the table and keeping an open heart and mind is called for. Trust that with Gemini energy coming to a peak, one thought, one feeling or one conversation can lead to another, and many times, the best idea or emotional conclusion is the one that is just waiting to be discovered. So allow thoughts, feelings and heart to heart conversations to flow.

The Gemini Moon/Sagittarius Sun polarity represents pure perception, logical thought and communication in opposition with broader ideals and beliefs. Both energies are searching; Gemini for remaining mentally open to changing ideas, information and living a variety of experiences; Sagittarius for greater meaning, faith and a broader understanding of life. Remaining flexible, inquisitive and open to change is necessary for the higher expression of both signs. 

The most harmonious and uplifting aspect to this Full Moon is a supportive trine with Jupiter in Aquarius showering optimism and expanding our belief that our dreams are possible; that we can grow in ways that are unique to our needs and desires.

Forming a square with Neptune in Pisces, this active Gemini Moon phase can hold some challenges where inspiration and intuition without focused attention can blur our vision, creating confusion.  With the likelihood of many thoughts and feelings coming to the surface that can go off in so many directions, we may lose our initial intention.

Offering helpful structure is Mercury the ruler of this Moon phase, currently in the serious sign of Capricorn and calling for down to earth integrity and practicality in our thought process and communication with others at this time.

Mercury, active during this lunar phase forms a trine with Uranus in Taurus where serious conversations and strategies support continuing changes in resources at the most basic level. Explore new ideas that create new and more authentic possibilities for greater stability.

Mercury in Capricorn also tightly squares Chiron retrograde in Aries creating a challenging growth opportunity to further process, acknowledge and release old fears and hurts. The next day, December 19th Chiron in Aries stations direct when we begin to understand how much healing work we’ve accomplished during the retrograde period of the past 5 months.

Lastly, on December 19th, Venus in Capricorn in a tight conjunction with Pluto, stations retrograde. Issues around personal power in relationships can arise. Use wisdom and integrity that fosters meaningful and perhaps profound interactions concerning love and money.

This last lunar phase that keeps the wheels of change moving after the recent New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius asks us to remain open minded and curious to what comes next as we prepare to say goodbye to 2021 with a new year on the horizon. With Jupiter’s generous support, unique ideas can emerge out of big dreams and with a healthy dose of conscious optimism consider their value and where they may take you.

Like the crest of a wave, thoughts and feelings will build and merge, rising to the surface revealing what needs expression and what needs release. Embrace and engage your heart and soul with the final Full Moon cycle of 2021; where authentic change is necessary for continued emotional happiness and growth. .

If you are interested in knowing where this Full Moon in Gemini falls in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best), and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love

Many Blessings,
