New Moon in Pisces - March 10, 2024, 5:01 AM, EDT

Now in the final days of the astrological New Year, the gentle rays of the Sun in Pisces increases intuition and tender feelings. Deepening this highly receptive energy is the Super New Moon in Pisces in a cosmic embrace with the Sun, inviting us into the labyrinth of our innermost selves, the limitless realm of emotion and spirit. Immersed in the vast sea of imagination, we nurture the seeds of dreams yet to bloom, the visions of the life we yearn for with the full depth of our being.

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New Moon in Pisces - March 2, 2022, 12:36 PM EST

We are now in Pisces season and the last sign of the zodiac in the astrological year. Symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions while connected, Pisces dual nature flows between the spiritual and physical realms with a natural sense of higher consciousness and connection.

As the Sun and Moon conjoin in the New Moon in Pisces we are called to release limitations and expand our consciousness, to turn inward, dreaming the dream, feeling, exploring and imagining greater possibilities and unique visions that reflect our needs and desires for future happiness.

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New Moon in Pisces - March 13, 2021, 5:22 AM EST

Every month at the New Moon when one cycle ends and another begins, we are able to set intentions for our future. For a fresh start or a new idea, method or path that carries us forward. In the sign of Pisces, there is greater ease in stepping out of reality and into the vastness of our imagination, intuition and higher wisdom. This Moon is the perfect heartspace to turn your most inspired desires around love and life into visions for what comes next.

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