New Moon in Aries, April 1, 2022, 2:25 AM, EDT

 Aries season picks up the pace as we begin April with the first New Moon of the astrological New Year. Aries the first fire sign is life force, where the will to exist pushes, creating something out of the void; which reflects the potency and meaning of the first lunar phase. A time of recharge and renewal, this New Moon in Aries is fueled with an emotional quickness that requires decisiveness and courage in contemplating bold new beginnings.

Independent and adventurous, with a strong sense of survival, Aries is the warrior, symbolized by the Ram, fierce and ready to charge at a moment’s notice. Seeking courage found in fear, Aries evolutionary goal is the will to forge a life through the fusing of desire and action.

Mars, the ruler of Aries is currently in the sign of Aquarius, and conjunct Saturn and Venus in Aquarius where desire and drive, passion and love require a serious and committed effort in striving for greater authenticity and freedom.  

Radiating an expanding cosmic landscape of dream energy, the conjunction between Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces that will be exact on April 12th increases optimism, intuition and compassion but also can blur the edges of reality during this highly spirited lunar phase. Working consciously with meditation or other spiritual or creative practices can open you to higher levels of divine inspiration that supports the New Moon phase where reflection and release of what no longer serves you clears a path for crafting new visions, new beginnings.

Chiron and Mercury in Aries bookend the Moon and Sun adding sensitive cosmic complexity to this Moon phase. Chiron sitting close to the Moon stirs up painful feelings, memories and or health concerns, with a sharp awareness of doubts, fears and frustrations that can hold you back from your desires, undermining confidence and forward movement.

Mercury’s active energy sparks quick, independent new ideas and goals as well as a strong urge to speak your truth. When needed, be assertive, however be wary of defensiveness or aggression in what you say or do that causes more harm than good. Remember to listen first and share your feelings in a way that deepens understanding and encourages the potential for healing.

This dark Moon in Aries is a time of new beginnings and new life, taking you deep into the heart of your desire to claim fearlessness. To fight the battles within and make clear and honest choices about what you need that promotes emotional nourishment, joy and well-being.  

With heartfelt conviction, be direct with yourself and others. Claim a new level of readiness and daring to address your fears and take action that starts you on a new path; a reviving breakthrough that empowers and enriches your life and future.

If you are interested in knowing where this New Moon in Aries falls in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best), and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love

Many Blessings,
