New Moon in Virgo - September 2, 2024, 9:55 PM, EDT

 After the playful vitality of Leo season, the Sun in Virgo’s commonsense energy carries us into September, helping us navigate any post-shadow glitches of Mercury’s recent retrograde with careful scrutiny. Adding to this season of practicality is the New Moon in Virgo, urging us to clean the slate and begin again; to refine our routines, bring order to chaos and see the magic in the mundane. It's a heartfelt call for self-improvement and selfless acts of service with competence, compassion and patience.

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New Moon in Cancer - July 5, 2024, 6:56 PM, EDT

Now in Cancer season, the Sun aligns with lovely Luna and as the New Moon in Cancer rises in the dark night, consciousness turns inward, gently searching.  A time for introspection and care, memories surface as we are called to listen to the whispers of our heart; to attend to our emotional needs that often go unnoticed in the responsibilities and changing circumstances of everyday life.

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Full Moon in Cancer - January 17, 2022

What do you need to not only be ok, but to feel nurtured?

As Capricorn season winds down we begin to catch our collective breath and may find our New Year resolutions and ambitions to succeed in our professional world has put strain on our personal life and happiness. Providing profound illumination is the Full Moon in Cancer, where needs concerning home, health, comfort and family increase and rise to the surface of our heart and soul.

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