New Moon in Capricorn - January 2, 2022, 1:35 PM EDT

Here we are once again in Capricorn season, steady and serious, wrapping up this year as we ready ourselves to welcome in 2022 that begins with a New Moon in Capricorn. Nurturing the seeds of our personal aspirations for success, emotional well-being and happiness, this lunar phase of new beginnings compels us to embrace what we know in our hearts we need to do, and then with self-discipline and wisdom, commit to our intentions for our future.  

The New Moon is the time every month that gives us the opportunity to take a breath and start again.  It is part of the rhythm of life that brings hope and encourages momentum. A time of emotional renewal and in the sign of Capricorn our efforts are what will make a lasting difference as we turn our attention towards this New Year.

Capricorn is a practical, strategic earth sign committed to the alignment of inner integrity and outer experience. A cardinal sign with strong initiative and an orientation to career, there is a drive to undertake some form of mastery within the physical world to accomplish personally meaningful “great work”. Like the symbolic mountain goat, Capricorn has built in determination to climb their mountain and fulfill their goals one step at a time.   

In a powerful and close supportive trine the Moon in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus work in harmony for change. This aspect helps to recharge and reset our intentions with a strategic plan that works with the many revisions to our ideas and methods of stability and security that have occurred over the last year.  Actively work with this energy, for trines can often feel “easy” where the opportunities they offer can be overlooked.

Transiting Venus, that sweet light of devotion and love is retrograde in Capricorn in a wide conjunction with the New Moon. In full reflection mode Venus goes back over all that we are drawn to or make relationship with; in love, pleasure, and money. Remember this is a time of reflection and re-evaluation that can bring insight and clarity, but refrain from making any ironclad decisions until retrograde phases are fully over by February 14th.

Early morning on the same day as the New Moon, transiting Mercury will move into the air sign of Aquarius where our perception will shift beyond the old ideas into a more radical way of seeing the world. Our thoughts and communication will reflect this change, pushing intellectual boundaries with unique perspectives within our personal lives and our collective humanity and the issues we face. Within this context, innovation, individuality and authenticity is on our minds.

In the back ground Jupiter re-enters Pisces on December 28th. Jupiter’s generous nature expands and opens us; where our hopes and dreams flow, boundaries dissolve and our connection to each other and all that is becomes more apparent. Within this vast energy of sensitivity, compassion, creativity and consciousness we find inspiration and spiritual connection that motivates and lifts us. However, we can also become overwhelmed, directionless or fall into patterns of escapism. Our desire for growth and realizing dreams can become lost and float away. Providing self-care is always important as is meditation, spiritual or creative practices that support added focus and structure as well as healthy boundaries within ourselves and with others. These practices are key to gaining the gifts of personal and collective evolution this Jupiter transit offers.

As we begin 2022 we gain a deeper understanding of how our feelings, intentions and goals can intersect and align with the many changes that have occurred as we continue creating a new way of living life.  Pay attention to innovative changes and ideas that spark your interest and can further your growth and prosperity as you seek opportunities that not only feel right for you, but fit your vision for your future.

During this New Moon acknowledge your feelings of where you are in your life. Recognize your strength and resiliency and the ways you have grown as you met challenges and navigated the changes of this past year. Honor your accomplishments, within or in your outer world, big or small; they all matter for they are nourishment for your continued efforts. Allow yourself the solitude to go within your heart and soul and let your feelings lead you to what needs to be released and what you desire and envision for this next year as you begin 2022. Dream big, expand your horizons and reach for the Moon! Set your intentions and put them in writing with any strategies that can help you to stay focused on your resolutions. There is great potential in the New Moon during the New Year and you hold power to activate the energies.

My New Year’s wish for you is that this New Moon in Capricorn ignites your year with determination and focused initiative, reinforcing your commitment to a new and vital chapter of your life where love, integrity and higher purpose lights you way.

If you are interested in knowing where this New Moon in Capricorn falls in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best), and city and state of birth.

Also, in the spirit of beginning 2022, the New Year is an excellent time for greater understanding of yourself and your life through the lens of astrology in a birthchart or (if you’ve had a birthchart reading with me) an astrological weather reading. I would love to be your guide during this personal journey of deeper self-awareness and empowerment and if an astrology reading interests you please contact me at for details and any questions.

Before I close, I wanted to say how grateful I am for all of you and the opportunity to be of service through my work.  Your interest, feedback and support keep me inspired and growing. So thank you dear readers, I couldn’t do it without you!

Be Well ~ Be Love

Many Blessings for you all this New Year 2022!
