New Moon in Scorpio - November 4, 2021, 5:15PM, EDT

 Scorpio season is serious business; spooky, sexy, mysterious and magical, a time we naturally turn inward and intense feelings pull us below the surface searching for our truth. This powerful process is active during the New Moon in Scorpio that compels us to dive into deep waters and discover something hidden that needs to be pulled out of the shadows as we consider what comes next.

Uranus in Taurus in an exact tension filled opposition to the Moon disrupts Scorpio’s need for careful planning and fixed outcomes. This Uranian turbulence carries a strong potential for unexpected and sudden changes collectively and personally. These changes may affect resources; skills, money and relationships along with the security found in them.

There also may be emotional breakthroughs and sudden realizations that shift our feelings about something or someone. As unsettling as this sounds, look for the positive in unforeseen opportunities that may go by unnoticed. 

Saturn in Aquarius in a loose square with both the Moon in Scorpio and Uranus in Taurus challenges us with a dose of reality and a serious reminder;  as we strengthen our commitment and discipline towards our goals we need to work with the changes as we continue our efforts for greater success and authenticity.

Passions run deep with Mars also in Scorpio, motivating this New Moon with courage and drive to be honest with ourselves and others concerning our desires for something new, validating and life affirming. However, Mars also forms a square with Saturn in Aquarius, where what we’ve set our heart on may feel restricted or unattainable. Fear, frustrations as well as anger can overflow and overwhelm.  Be aware of this possibility and be gentle with yourself. Take the time for stillness and breathe.

If you feel stuck or have lost perspective, Mercury in Libra’s natural gift for considerate communication provides grace for sharing your deepest held thoughts and feelings with a trusted friend or loved one. This honest sharing can be deeply cathartic and facilitate emotional healing as well as greater intimacy in your relationships. .

This New Moon in Scorpio is the ending of one lunar phase and the birth of another where we are cosmically invited to dive deep into the recesses of our psyche, sharpen our gaze, honestly name our shadow and discover our personal truth. A time we are called to be honest with ourselves about what we need but may be afraid to look at, ask for, or share with another.  

When we acknowledge all of our humanness with loving conscious commitment to wholeness and healing, we are free to make different choices.   Embrace the magic of this New Moon and the truth of your feelings and focus on your intentions for what comes next.

We are ready for revelation and transformation.

If you are interested in knowing where this New Moon in Scorpio falls in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best), and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love

Many Blessings,
