Full Moon in Aries - October 9, 2022, 4:56 PM, EDT

October holds many notable cosmic events with Mercury, Pluto and Saturn stationing direct as well as the beginning of eclipse season; a month that will bring many opportunities for evolutionary growth. Firing things up, the Full Moon in Aries is fully charged to courageously face fear and deal with intense emotions and painful issues that can wait no longer, needing acknowledgement, compassionate action and healing.

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New Moon in Libra - September 25, 2022, 5:56 PM, EDT

Just days after we enter Libra season and the Vernal Equinox, that point of balance between day and night, the magic of the Moon cycle beckons us into the dark night and recesses of our soul to start over once again. The first New Moon of autumn in the northern hemisphere and spring in the southern hemisphere, the New Moon in Libra turns our emotional focus to relationships and personal harmony. A grace filled, social sign that instinctually considers the other person, Libra strives to calm down, realign and achieve equilibrium.

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