New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius - December 4, 2021 2:45 AM, EDT

As we enter December in Sagittarius season, the last New Moon and the final eclipse of 2021 will occur.  In the sign of the Archer, this upcoming New Moon Solar Eclipse is also the last eclipse in the Gemini/Sagittarius series that began June 2020.

This extra potent New Moon calls us to open to more of life experiences and boldly create from our heart. To consciously and actively participate in the process of setting our intentions for new desires, avenues of growth and life paths that continue to feed our faith in life. 

Eclipses are extra powerful New and Full Moons that activate the lunar nodes and provide an energetic opening for a leap in consciousness, individually and collectively. Known to usher in changes, to gain the greatest clarity from this Eclipse, pay attention over the next six months and take note of any significant shifts within yourself or your life that affects your personal fulfillment and happiness.

Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign with an abundance of optimism, desire for freedom, movement, growth, and change. An active sign that seeks to understand life’s meaning, but that also holds the potential of going too far, too fast if not using self-awareness.

Mercury in Sagittarius sits close to this Eclipse signaling the importance of open ended communication and exploration of beliefs and personal values. Expect lively conversations and a bounty of ideas as you consider new visions for your future.

Forming a stimulating sextile with the New Moon, Saturn in Aquarius brings a realistic tone to this expansive, optimistic lunar phase that grounds us as we explore new options and new territory.

Neptune in Pisces recently stationed direct increasing the potential for confusion and delusion as well as inspiration, creativity and compassion. Making a square to the New Moon Eclipse and Mercury in Sagittarius, Neptune’s gentle nebulous energy can dampen Sagittarius’s enthusiasm for movement, growth and change, making this a good time to refocus on spiritual practice that supports greater awareness and inner guidance during this lunar phase.  

Lastly, in a trine with Chiron, this Eclipse brings opportunities for healing and empowerment as we acknowledge fears that hold us back and claim courage in setting off in new directions and interests.

With the completion of this Gemini/Sagittarius eclipse cycle, our awareness of life has shifted due to a great deal of rapid change and information flow, resulting in our individual and collective beliefs and values undergoing profound transformation.

During this New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius acknowledge how much you’ve grown. Work with this lunar energy that can empower you to reset and re-charge your life, to believe in yourself and greater possibilities for your future. Where you discover new found trust to stretch further into life, making that necessary leap into exciting new beginnings.

If you are interested in knowing where this New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius falls in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best), and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love

Many Blessings,
