Uranus in Taurus Stations Direct - January 18, 2022

Uranus the Great Awakener, the planet of change, individuality, and profound shifts in consciousness has been retrograde since August 19, 2021, where for the past 5 months many of the dramatic changes that had previously occurred slowed down a bit giving us all a chance to understand and incorporate these shifts within ourselves and our lives. We’ve had a chance to reflect upon how these changes have affected our outlook and reliance on basic resources; our skills, money and relationships.

Now after this 5 month retrograde, Uranus stations direct on January 18, 2022 so do expect the pace to pick up with shifts and sometimes dramatic changes collectively and individually. Much of what we’ve learned and worked on the past 5 months will begin to unfold giving us the chance to determine if our efforts were effective or if there needs to be greater attention or adjustments still made. The next day on January 19th, the Sun will move into the sign of Aquarius, shining the light of the revolutionary and the genius and underlining the energy of Uranus, the planet that wakes us up.

When Uranus begins to move, expect the unexpected and as much as possible remain open to exploring ideas, options and circumstances that are innovative and expand your possibilities. In a world that has experienced great upheaval and change, we’ve restructured the basic framework of our day to day and our work life, because it was necessary and it was time. This continues and we are each part of the creation of our world as we make our own personal decisions.

Mercury and Venus are still both retrograde so continue to reflect upon your ideas, projects, goals and desires in context with the larger changes that have and continue to unfold.

If you would like to know the house in your birthchart that Uranus currently is moving through, please email me at dksleo13@talkingskyastrology.com with your birth information. I need your date of birth, mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth as exact as possible (birth certificate is best), and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love

Many Blessings,
