Full Moon in Aries - October 20, 2021, 10:58 AM, EDT

As we ready ourselves to move out of a cosmically eventful Libra season where Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury leave the retrograde phase and begin forward movement, the Full Moon in Aries rises in the sky engaging our emotions and fueling our desires with passion and fortitude for what comes next.

This Full Moon is formed with the Moon in Aries opposing the Sun in Libra. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. Independent and action oriented, Aries is the feisty defender with a quick and courageous energy that boldly pushes through fear and barriers.

Libra is the peacemaker, naturally oriented to relationships. One who weighs out options before thoughtfully deciding, Libra seeks beauty, harmony and balance in all things.

This Moon is ruled by Mars, the Warrior. Mars which is currently in Libra is the courageous lover, artist and one who burns with a passion to be the bridge of cooperation, peace and love in relationships.

Mars sits close to the Sun and brings an artful edge to the Sun/Moon opposition. This addition of Mars can further stir up issues around balancing individual needs with the needs of others or in important partnerships that are best served by dealing with conflict directly, honestly and with fairness for all.

With the Moon squaring Pluto in Capricorn, issues of personal power and integrity can feel challenging yet be motivating for moving forward with the mission or driving purpose that deeply matters to you.  

Pluto can trigger our shadow and this aspect can bring up deep seated issues or hidden agendas that need to be examined within ourselves or become part of the conversation. Fear and courage may be tested and the intensity of this fiery Full Moon phase can lead to impulsive or aggressive reactions.

Although there may be circumstances where an immediate response is needed, Mars and Mercury, both in Libra stress straightforward communication, and active negotiation that provides greater opportunity for a peaceful and equitable outcome.

In addition, a favorable aspect to Jupiter in Aquarius offers innovative ideas and an optimistic perspective to this highly charged Moon phase.

The week before the Full Moon there has been an increase in energy due to Pluto in Capricorn, Saturn in Aquarius, Jupiter in Aquarius and last but not least, Mercury in Libra all stationing direct. Collectively we had a significant segment of time to go back over many of our intentions, big dreams and responsibilities; reviewing, talking over what was the right choice or path and hopefully aligning our desires with strategic plans and timing.

As the retrograde planets are now moving forward, slowly creating traction, there is this feeling that it is time to get moving…now; almost like chasing the bus that’s pulling away. Within each of us that feeling has a personal message that needs attention and this lunar phase sharpens our perspective on how to respond. With this energy, be mindful and breathe. As much as possible ground yourself and practice self-care and awareness of others to better navigate this compelling forward movement energy.

This Full Moon in Aries fires up our feelings to a passionate peak of awareness and activates our heart and soul to take a stand on something within ourselves or our lives. With heightened intuition we know it’s time to release, commit or initiate a needed action that will require emotional grit and wisdom to get the result we desire.

Consciously work with this Moon energy to express yourself honestly with others and make decisions that will make a difference in your life that feel affirming, strengthens you or moves you forward. This is the time to be assertive, but not reckless. Speak your truth and claim what you need and desire because your emotional well-being and happiness depends on it.

If you are interested in knowing where this Full Moon in Aries falls in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best), and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love

Many Blessings,
