New Moon in Aquarius - February 1, 2022, 12:46 AM EST

As January ends and February begins the Sun and Moon conjoin forming the New Moon in Aquarius. With an outsider’s perspective, Aquarius is the innovator, the truth seeker, the boundary breaking air sign that sets the tone for an emotional inventory concerning our individuality and the state of our happiness and wellbeing. This deep internal lunar phase is a fertile time of imagination, desire and intuition; the budding of inner knowing that moves us to make adjustments or start anew, keeping us on our authentic path where we align our inner essence with our outer circumstances.  

Saturn in Aquarius sits close, infusing this Moon with a serious energy as we consider where and how to refresh our lives. Saturn is the teacher and the planet that helps us to do the things we don’t want to do because they feel too difficult. However, the ringed planet is fundamental in any accomplishment. One of Saturn’s most important lessons is that within limitations or challenges, we can experience inner and outward growth when we apply ourselves and make the most of the reality of our circumstances. As we set our sights on the future, Saturn’s message of necessary discipline and follow through with our skills, strategies and intentions, is one that can guide us back on track; stronger, more determined and aligned with what feels right for us.

The New Moon and Saturn also squares Uranus in Taurus, now in forward movement and continuing its evolutionary process of breaking up what is resistant, outdated and needs to change. As we consider new potentials for happiness, we are also aware of the instability of the world we live in and the ways it has changed our personal perspective. Although this aspect can feel difficult, Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius which offers a level of connection also invested in authenticity.

Adding to the cosmic landscape are the recent retrogrades of Venus and Mercury in Capricorn (Mercury stations direct February 2nd) where we have reflected upon and re-evaluated the state of our relationships, work and finances we previously committed to. In a conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn Mercury compels us to honestly assess the results of our ideas and efforts, laying out new plans for improvement, continued growth and prosperity.

Venus and Mars both in Capricorn join forces, where love and passion show up responsibly ready to commit to a meaningful mission. In a supportive aspect with Uranus in Taurus, this desired mutual objective can find opportunity amidst the ongoing collective changes in how we create and maintain our resources and security

Jupiter, now in the sensitive sign of Pisces expands the possibilities of growth and hope through creative visualization and spiritual inspiration. Be careful of drifting or dissipation and feed your dreams through compassionate connection and generosity of spirit, for we are all in this together.

This New Moon in Aquarius prompts us to intentionally reset and energize a new beginning. To identify what we have outgrown and claim what feels true for each of us. When we do so we can find our place in the community, where our individual and collective humanity is honored. During this potent lunar new beginning, sit quietly within your heart and soul and feel what is right for you and know you are here to be no one other than who you truly are.

Happy New Moon!

If you are interested in knowing where this New Moon in Aquarius falls in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best), and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love

Many Blessings,
