We are now in Sagittarius season, a time when the Sun shines rays of hope that lift us and feed our spirit. We have also entered eclipse season with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini where growing awareness requires emotional flexibility.
All Full Moons occur when the Sun and Moon oppose each other and the Moon reaches its peak of light and lunar influence upon us. At the highest point of the Moon cycle, emotions intensify and realizations surface providing clarity about our feelings, relationships, situations, or direction. This phase brings the Moon in Gemini opposite the Sun in Sagittarius.
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The New Moon represents the end of one lunar phase and the beginning of the next. With our heart as our guide we have the opportunity for renewal and recharge and the sign of the New Moon shapes the emotional pulse during this phase. In the sign of Scorpio getting started requires a deep dive into our soul…..
Scorpio is a fixed water sign that takes us down into the realm of instinct where powerful human experience pushes us to the sharp edge of emotions. Emotional honesty and healthy skepticism are valuable allies in Scorpio’s need to know the truth. Peering into the complex, hidden aspects within Scorpio compels us to face our personal reality and wrestle with our personal pain that seeks healing.
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October 2020 began with a fiery Full Moon in Aries on the 1st and ends with a second Full Moon called a Blue Moon on the 31st, the date of Samhain and Halloween. This event happens approximately every 19 years making this October 31st Blue Full Moon in Taurus quite unusual. As the light of this Full Moon rises in the autumn night sky, emotions build and the energy of mystery, magic and change fills the senses.
Taurus, an earth sign seeks serenity through healthy stable relationships, developed skills and the basics of life that support survival and comfort. Taurus needs consistency which if taken too far leads to fear of change and becoming stuck in a rut. Opposing the Moon is the Sun in Scorpio, a water sign that seeks depth through embracing the taboo material of life. Intense, probing and often uncomfortably honest Scorpio searches for truth.
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As the light of the Moon disappears, one cycle ends and another begins. Peering into our depths, we discover the truth of who we are, what we desire, encouraging us to lovingly nurture a growing vision. Big or small, personal or worldly, claim your right to begin anew in whatever manner that feeds your faith in life and hope for another day.
During this New Moon, the Sun and Moon fuse in lovely Libra activating thoughts and feelings around relationships and our human need for beauty, harmony and balance. The symbol of the scales, Libra has a natural sense of fairness and cooperation; taking others into account which is essential during this Moon phase that brings striking challenges as well as underlying support and grace.
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During Mercury retrograde, the mind and your process of perception slows down and turns inward and in the sign of Scorpio laser beam focus takes you into the deepest recesses of your mind, searching for the truth.
Mercury stationed retrograde on 10/13/20 at 11 degrees, 40 minutes in the sign of Scorpio. On 10/27/20 Mercury will move back into the sign of Libra bringing relationship issues into this phase. There can be the re-appearance of people previously in your life with the potential for going back over old issues. If there is a desire to jump back in and re-ignite this previous relationship, use the retrograde phase to express your feelings and intentions to avoid mixed signals. Especially in situations as this it’s wisest to wait until you’re out of the shadow phase before making any lasting commitments.
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This week begins with Saturn in Capricorn stationing direct on September 28th, grading us on how well we laid the foundation for what we consider our “great work” or most meaningful goals. Now in forward motion Saturn requires continued discipline, commitment and effort to keep our vision strong and steady. With Mars retrograde in Aries, tightly squaring Saturn through the week, our intentions are deeply challenged through the slower movement of Mars.
As Mercury in Libra is in the shadow phase of its upcoming retrograde mid-October, communication begins to tangle and the days leading up to the Full Moon can feel quite difficult. Use this time to review your plans and strategies, and take heart; there is an opening up ahead during the Full Moon in Aries.
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Today on the Autumnal Equinox when the light and dark, day and night are in equal measure, I feel my connection to nature, to the cycles that we are part of. Today is a good day to reflect upon balance. That in the fluidity of life we have times where we are delicately poised in readiness for a shift in awareness. For the next season of the cycle.
In the northern hemisphere we begin autumn where we move into longer nights, a time of going within and reflecting upon our current footing in our journey. In the southern hemisphere spring begins with a budding sense of hope, growth and renewal.
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August is over and we just entered Virgo season. Nature is in her process of shifting gears to get things in order in preparation of the Equinox and the coming fall. We too, are affected by the fluidity of the natural world and as the Moon rises bright and beautiful in the sign of Pisces, tenderheartedness expands, spilling over our edges.
Pisces, a water sign is compassionate, romantic, a dreamer fueled by fantasy, with a natural orientation to spirituality as well as psychic potential. Pisces energy seeks higher consciousness. Opposite the Full Moon in Pisces is the Sun in Virgo, an earth sign constantly pulled to reach for perfection and be of service. Analytical and very capable of excellence, Virgo has a love of offering to others something personally meaningful done extremely well.
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I previously wrote about the transit of Mars in Aries which included the retrograde period but there is some more important information about this retrograde I would like to share. When Mars, the planet of boundary setting, action, passion and courage goes retrograde the normal outward moving action of Mars is slowed down, turned inward and can provide like all retrogrades a time when reflection and insights are possible. It is a time to plan more, figure out what you truly desire, in any facet of your life, and also look at how you use your drive, passion and will. How you react or respond under stress, exert personal power and set boundaries. Similar to Mercury retrograde it is not a time to start new projects, make large purchases or begin or end relationships if possible. Additionally with Mars retrograde it’s advised to not push yourself too hard physically or take on new physical challenges. There are times when you have to follow through on things that may have been set up previously. In that case use your will and take actions with real awareness and care, especially if things seem stuck or challenging so that you have the best outcome.
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The New Moon is a cosmic invitation to reset. To start over or turn a new page. In the dark night consciousness turns inward, our intuition expands and feelings of possibility and progress call us forward. In the fire sign of Leo self-expression and creative forces are part of what gives this New Moon life.
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The Full Moon in Aquarius expands our awareness and pushes our boundaries. Innovative thoughts and feelings loom large, as we have moments of clarity about a situation, a person, or ourselves. In seeing the full scope of something, we feel compelled to make decisions that move us forward.
What we previously began at the New Moon in Cancer has grown to a point where we reach completion, begin to ease up, let go or welcome the next step. Mercury will be in the last degrees of Cancer during this Full Moon phase which may create hesitation in vulnerable conversations, but also brings out empathy, supporting emotional safety to speak honestly.
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With three eclipses behind us that included a New Moon in Cancer in June, now in July we have a second New Moon at 28 degrees, 27 minutes of Cancer. Called a double New Moon we all have the chance to work once again with this strong lunar energy as we begin a new cycle of setting intentions and creating the next step in our lives.
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On July 5, 2020 the Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Capricorn will be the final eclipse in the Cancer/Capricorn series that began two years ago on July 13, 2018. Also the third eclipse within 30 days; this is a rare lunar month with a cosmic message of deep and powerful change making this summer eclipse season extra intense and ripe with evolutionary potential.
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Mars entered independent, fiery Aries on June 27, 2020. Normally in a sign for 2 months, Mars takes us on a long journey. Moving through most of the sign, Mars will station retrograde at 28 degrees, 9 minutes of Aries on September 9, 2020 until November 13, 2020. At that time Mars will station direct and begin forward movement at 15 degrees, 14 minutes of Aries. Taking almost another 2 months to move back through Aries, Mars will enter the sign of Taurus on January 11, 2021.
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The end of June brings the second eclipse of the month, a New Moon Solar Eclipse in the sign of Cancer. A New Moon Eclipse forms when the Moon moves between the Earth and the Sun, blocking or eclipsing the light from reaching Earth. In Addition all Eclipses form near the lunar nodes which intensify and activate karmic patterns.
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Mercury stations retrograde in Cancer today until July 12th giving us the yellow light to slow down and go back over anything that needs attention, planning or completion.
The water sign of Cancer is aligned with home, family and nurturing. Ruled by the Moon happiness and emotional well-being are part of what this retrograde period offers. With an abundance of healing energy we are invited to look at how we care for ourselves and others. These next 3-4 weeks are a fertile time to develop or strengthen health routines, enjoyment and relaxation as well as clean out, organize and make our living space more inviting or comfortable. Anything that supports self-care and care of others.
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As we begin June we enter eclipse season with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius. A lunar eclipse is a Full Moon that passes through some portion of the Earth’s shadow dimming the light. This pause of normal Moon energy and light intensifies the power and emotional impact of a Full Moon creating a needed reset for happiness and soul growth.
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The Nodes of the Moon are two of the most important symbols in astrology. They are not planets but sensitive points where the path of the Moon crosses the ecliptic (the belt where the Sun and planets appear to travel).
Always in retrograde motion, the Nodes of the Moon make up what is called the Nodal Story found in a birthchart. The Karmic Past and Evolutionary Future. Always directly opposite each other in sign and degree, the Nodes, like all the planets keep moving, activating the other planets in the Cosmos as well as every person’s personal chart.
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