New Moon in Libra - October 16, 2020, 3:32 PM, EDT

New Moon in Libra ..jpg

As the light of the Moon disappears, one cycle ends and another begins. Peering into our depths, we discover the truth of who we are, what we desire, encouraging us to lovingly nurture a growing vision. Big or small, personal or worldly, claim your right to begin anew in whatever manner that feeds your faith in life and hope for another day.

During this New Moon, the Sun and Moon fuse in lovely Libra activating thoughts and feelings around relationships and our human need for beauty, harmony and balance. The symbol of the scales, Libra has a natural sense of fairness and cooperation; taking others into account which is essential during this Moon phase that brings striking challenges as well as underlying support and grace.

With many aspects this Moon is complex…As Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto all in Capricorn recently stationed direct, life events and circumstance have begun to move forward and the effort we put into our meaningful work and responsibilities while they were retrograde begins to show itself to us.

These three powerful planets that have been motivating us to reach for the best part of ourselves through enduring effort, square the Moon and Sun in Libra and square Mars in Aries; and Mars opposes the New Moon. This configuration is called a T-square that can feel harsh and unworkable upending Libra’s desire for beauty and balance. 

Individual needs and passions stretched thin by greater events and circumstances stir up fear, frustration and defensiveness breaking down communication needed at this time, especially in current or potentially new relationships.  Address any conflict and negotiate honestly for the fairest outcome for all involved, keeping in mind that Mercury in Scorpio now retrograde can lead to misunderstandings or hurtful words.  With deep reflection bring your truth to the table. 

Mercury retrograde in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus asking us to dig deep and honestly rethink our authentic path, which may upend previous held self-beliefs and direction.

Adding to the potential for change is Venus, the Goddess of Love currently in Virgo and the ruling planet of this New Moon. Forming a grand trine with Uranus in Taurus and Jupiter in Capricorn the loving light of Venus adds a supportive undertone to the sharpness of the T-square. This aspect brewing for a number of days brings growing awareness, waking you up to the truth of something or someone you need or desire, and are now ready to claim and grow into.

Lastly, Neptune in Pisces forms a sextile with Jupiter and Pluto both in Capricorn creating inspiration, confusion, or both around meaningful big dreams. Intuition and talking with others is helpful in deciphering which is which. 

This is a powerful and important New Moon that calls you deep into your heart where honesty, courage and cooperation with yourself and others can seed your next meaningful step forward. May your intentions bring you greater beauty, balance and harmony within that grows in all areas of your life.

If you’re interested in knowing where this New Moon falls in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. Date of birth mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth am/pm (from birth certificate is best) and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love

Many blessings,
