

The Nodes of the Moon are two of the most important symbols in astrology. They are not planets but sensitive points where the path of the Moon crosses the ecliptic (the belt where the Sun and planets appear to travel).

Always in retrograde motion, the Nodes of the Moon make up what is called the Nodal Story found in a birthchart. The Karmic Past and Evolutionary Future.  Always directly opposite each other in sign and degree, the Nodes, like all the planets keep moving, activating the other planets in the Cosmos as well as every person’s personal chart.

Taking about 18 months to move through a sign (on each end of the axis), the Nodes bring us opportunity for continued self-awareness, growth and healing. Recently the Nodes changed signs and this is very significant. On June 4, 2020 the North Node changed from Cancer to Gemini and the South Node from Capricorn to Sagittarius. This Gemini/Sagittarius Nodal Axis will last until December 24, 2021 when the Nodes change to Taurus and Scorpio.

The South Node represents the past. The karmic energy of where we can be stuck and what holds us back. Yet even the South Node has a more elevated expression that holds a gift and is the best way to engage with the energy of this point and the sign that it is in. In Sagittarius, a fire sign ruled by Jupiter, there is an eagerness to understand the meaning of life. To go on a quest and find something to believe in. To have faith in life. The shadow of Sagittarius is the rigid and narrow view of values, of beliefs that refuse to evolve. That slam the door on needed growth or anything different. Dogma.

The North Node represents the future. An expression and path that is unfamiliar, yet draws us in and challenges us to grow. The evolutionary pathway forward and out of the shadow of the South Node. In Gemini, an air sign ruled by Mercury the Messenger, the message is the importance of questioning what is and gathering new information. That developing and maintaining a radically open mind that is willing to look at a variety of possibilities and with the ability to communicate is necessary to evolve and move forward into the future. Gemini is a very active energy, full of curiosity and quite changeable. With so many moving parts and interests, Gemini can fall into overwhelm, scattered and unable to commit. To be effective, Gemini needs to find a strategy or an endpoint to focus and commit to, while remaining flexible if needed.

What this means for each of us and collectively is that the old beliefs and values that have become rigid and narrow are failing us. That we need to carefully examine them so that we understand the reality of them. Of why they are failing. We need to have conversations where we listen, learn and seek the truth. Where we sift through what was to understand where we were, so that we can release what has confined us and find the path of growth forward. We need to open up to new ideas, radical ideas and have conversations, lots of conversations that are open ended and allow for change. And yes, we need to be careful of becoming overwhelmed (which can be so easy at this time) or of going all over the place without any strategy or desire to commit.

For each of you there are areas of life represented by the houses in the birthchart that are being activated by this shift in the Nodes. Those are the areas in your life that will have karmic implications as well as present you the evolutionary path of forward movement. If you would like to know the houses in your birthchart that the Nodes activate, please send me your birth information. I need your date of birth, mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth (birth certificate is best) and your city and state of birth.