
As we begin June we enter eclipse season with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius. A lunar eclipse is a Full Moon that passes through some portion of the Earth’s shadow dimming the light. This pause of normal Moon energy and light intensifies the power and emotional impact of a Full Moon creating a needed reset for happiness and soul growth.

This Full Moon opposition is with the Moon in Sagittarius and the Sun in Gemini conjunct Venus retrograde in Gemini.  Sagittarius seeks to understand life and form beliefs through the continual gathering of knowledge and diverse experiences. With a need for adventure and travel of mind, body and spirit, Sagittarius needs more freedom than any other sign. Gemini is a communicator who seeks an open mind, initiates change, gathers information and needs a variety of interests, people and life situations. This opposition creates awareness between what we think and how we communicate, with what we believe in and live by.

Providing a point of action or defense, Mars in Pisces makes an exact square with this Moon, Sun/Venus polarity. Called a T-square, this creates a challenging, yet compelling opportunity to courageously examine personal beliefs, discuss feelings about freedom and growth and reflect upon what appeals to us. Restores us. Personally, in relationships, as well as how we create financial abundance.

In the sign of Pisces the high expression of Mars is the spiritual warrior; courageous, creative, intuitive, compassionate action. Lacking awareness, Mars in Pisces can express through the shadow of escapism, apathy or passive aggressiveness. Mars also sets boundaries and fires up sexual passion. With sensitive Neptune in Pisces nearby, Mars may experience confusion, not seeing things clearly as it squares this Lunar Eclipse.  Be aware of losing yourself in the heat of the moment, of over-optimism or recklessness in word or action that could lead to undesired consequences.

As we begin eclipse season, keep this in mind. Eclipses stimulate an opening in consciousness, individually and collectively to “pay attention”, because something is shifting.  Eclipses bring change and the importance of releasing what no longer serves you, creating momentum for personal growth and healing. Changes can occur up to 6 months after an eclipse and it’s useful to keep track of any significant changes to fully understand the impact of this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in your life.

During this Moon work with your intuition. Keep an open mind and conversation flowing that helps you to see life from a different perspective.  Explore options and review your desires. Sagittarius encourages us to always keep learning, growing and gathering experiences that help us to define our personal values. The very ideals that we each believe in, live by and feed our faith in life.

If you would like to know the house within your birthchart that this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius falls into, please send me your birth information. I would need your date of birth mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth am/pm (as exact as possible), and city and state of birth. Or if you have any questions or comments, please contact me at dksleo13@talkingskyastrology.com.

Be Well ~ Be Love

Many Blessings
